




1.过桥 cross the road 穿过马路 cross the bridge 过桥 through the window 透过窗 ...

2.走过桥 cook dinner 煮饭 cross the bridge 走过桥 cry harder and harder 哭得越来越厉害 ...

3.穿过大桥 be from( 来自) cross the bridge穿过大桥) love sports( 喜欢运动) ...

4.请通过桥梁 ... 6.Cross the bridge. 请通过桥梁。 7.Follow this streetcar pne. 请沿着电车路线走下去。 ...

5.过小桥 13. 北街医院 North Street Hospital 14. 过小桥 cross the bridge 15. 阅览室 a reading room ...

6.穿过桥 walk around 绕。。。而走 cross the bridge 穿过桥 walk through 穿过的意思~ ...

7.有过桥 有影响 bear on 有过桥 Cross the bridge 脱离 separate oneself from ...

8.穿过桥梁 ... hear the birds singing 听鸟儿的歌声,听鸟儿在唱歌 cross the bridge 穿过桥梁 cpmb up to Baita 攀登白塔 ...


1.The man was much taller than Robin. And he had better build, too. Still Robin did not plan to let man cross the bridge before him.那个人比罗宾高出了许多,身材也比罗宾魁梧。不过罗宾仍然不打算让这个人先过桥。

2.You know, not to let anybody cross the bridge.您知道的,就是不任何人通过那桥。

3.They use their own music to tell people: Yunnan is not only cross the bridge noodle and elephants, as well as the standard HEAVY METAL! ! !他们用自己的音乐告诉人们:云南不只有过桥米线和大象,还有标准的HEAVYMETAL!!!

4.The big Town Hall clock was striking midnight when Frank began to cross the bridge.正当弗兰克准备过桥时,市政厅的大钟敲响了午夜的钟声。

5.A creature in a rooftop square at the end of a bridge can spend 3 squares of movement to cross the bridge.一个在屋顶方格的生物站在桥梁的端点时,可以花费3格的行动力来通过桥梁。

6.Don't cross the bridge till you come to it, is a proverb old, and of excellent wit.既来之,则安之,是一句很有道理的老话。

7.Cross the bridge to Golden Gate Park, with its beautiful lakes, trees and gardens.穿过大桥(可以)到达金门公园,和它美丽的湖泊、树木和花园。

8.Have I cross the bridge at all? Am I again experiencing what I have already experienced?我真的有过桥吗?我是不是再一次经验我已经验过的事?

9.Cross the bridge and turn behind the Winter Palace. In the middle of the huge Palace Square stands the Alexander Column.过了桥转到冬宫的后面,巨大的冬宫广场中间竖立着亚历山大圆柱。

10.There is an old, whit two-story house on the left side just before you cross the bridge.在我快要下桥的地方的左边有一座白色的老式二层小楼。