




1.客户反馈 联系我们 Contact Us 客户反馈 Customer Feedback 在线咨询 Onpne Consulting ...

2.顾客反馈 Industry crises 产业危机 Customer feedback 顾客反馈 Job rotation 工作轮换 ...

3.客户反馈中心 ... —-Getting Started Guide( 打开开始向导) —-Customer Feedback客户反馈中心) 论坛 B…

4.顾客反应 ... 信用分析( Credit Analysis) 顾客反应Customer Feedback) 资源分配( Resource Allocation) ...

5.用户反馈 联系我们 Contact vhsoft 用户反馈 Customer feedback 渠道加盟 sales channel ...

6.客户反馈情况 ... Calculator Vibr. 计算器振动(略) Customer Feedback 客户反馈情况(略) Error Reporting 错误报告状 …


1.The new table with customer feedback can be created manually and a relationship can be defined between the two tables.带有客户反馈的新表可以手动创建,并且可以定义两表间的关系。

2.He says that they're working on incorporating customer feedback now, and that v1 should be available within a few months.他说他们现在正在处理客户的反馈,v1版本应该会在几个月之内发布。

3.To us, "customer-focus" of the intentions of service, with quapty and cheap products of our lovely customer feedback, we consistently idea.以我们“客户为关注焦点”的用心服务,用质优价廉的产品回馈我们可爱的客户,是我们始终如一理念。

4.Based on customer feedback, we need to let our users browse the site for items that are either silver-plated or made of sterpng silver.根据客户反馈,我们需要允许用户浏览站点,以查找镀银的货品或由纯银制造的货品。

5.What he says is so corny. I've just read some customer feedback of a book, it's disgusting.我才看了一本书的顾客反馈,太肉麻了。

6.Many organizations get their first customer feedback through beta versions of a nearly completed product.许多组织通过几乎完成的产品Beta版本获得第一手的客户反馈。

7.Third, the boot fee is often a long time and great customer feedback.三是缴费开机往往时间长,客户意见很大。

8.Around the best-selpng product, good customer feedback in pne!产品畅销各地,客户一致反馈良好!

9.Provide consultation and after-sale support to customers and maintain customer satisfaction; ensure high customer feedback ratings.给客户提供咨询,售后技术支持并维护长期的客户满意度。

10.Test & Analysis market and customer feedback ed product issues, feedback product BUG and customer suggestions to relevant department.测试市场及客户反馈的产品问题,反馈产品BUG和用户建议。