




1.片绣花三明治棒球帽6片绣花三明治棒球帽DC-3)2009-12-17 6片绣花接片棒球帽(DC-2) 2009-12-17 5片印刷棒球帽(DC-1)   我们公司坐落 …

2.第三届元数据研讨会1996年9月24—25日,第三届元数据研讨会(DC-3)在美国都柏林召开。会议专门围绕在网络环境中描述图像和图像数据库方面 …


1.Yesterday we went for a fpght around the area in an old R4D. The R4D was the Navy version of the Douglas DC-3.昨天,我们乘坐一架老式的R4D飞机在周围兜了一圈,这架R4D是道格拉斯DC-3的海军版。

2.Both the website and print officially launch April 3 at InfoShop, the Bank's bookstore in Washington, DC.这本书籍和这个网页将于4月3日在InfoShop(世行位于华盛顿特区的书店)正式启动。

3.A two-branch-output SIMO DC-DC experiment is carded out, with its input voltage 3. 3V and output voltages 1V and 4V repectively.本文实现了一个降压型结构的单电感双输出的直流变换器,供电电压3.3V,输出为1V和4V。

4.Fact there was a 5. 8 in Washington DC and a 5. 3 in Colorado, falsehood it was bunker bombs set by New World Order contras.事实是华盛顿和科罗拉多却是分别发生了5.8和5.3级地震,谎言是这是由世界新秩序反抗军安置的地堡炸弹造成的。

5.Amenities of the early DC-3 models included sleeping berths and an onboard kitchen.飞机上提供的便利设施包括卧铺、机上厨房。

6.The A3903 is a low voltage bidirectional DC motor driver with a typical input voltage range of 3 to 5. 5 V and output currents up to 500 mA.A3903是一款低电压双向直流电动机驱动器,典型输入电压范围为3至5.5V,而输出电流高达500mA。

7.For Brushless DC (BLDC) servo control, optional 3 phase commutation tracks replace the traditional Hall Effect sensors.无刷直流(BLDC)伺服控制,可选的3相换轨取代传统的霍尔效应传感器。

8.DC power distribution panels installed speakers similar to the above exchange screens installed. 3.直流配电屏的安装类似于上面所讲交流屏的安装。

9.The spectrum mean of stationary DC offset disturbed signal has the greatest variance at zero frequency. (3).随机直流准位偏差为稳态,则受扰讯号其频谱机率分布之最大变异在零频率。

10.The circuit for reapzing the method includes a measured value collector (1), a DC chopper (3) and a microcontroller (2).用于实现该方法的电路包括测量值采集器(1)、直流斩波器(3)和微控制器(2)。