





2.暗黑破坏神II ... 1998年 星际争霸:母巢之战 StarCraft:Brood War 2000年 暗黑破坏神II Diablo II 1992年 战棋 Battle Chess ...

3.暗黑破坏神二它有比暗黑破坏神二(Diablo II)等游戏更多的装备可用。不仅有头盔、装甲,还有手部、腿部、胸部、手腕、斗篷、护身符和魔 …

4.黑暗破坏神黑暗破坏神(Diablo II) 回答时间: 2007-01-27 21:45:28 回答者: sharon0052003 ( 小学级 3 级 ) 回答时间: 2007-01-27 22:05:01


1.If you were to get an advance look at the patch notes for Diablo II 1. 13, what is the one patch note you would want to see?如果你得到一个事先看看补丁说明暗黑破坏神II1.13,什么是一个修补程序注意:您希望看到?

2.The cinematics of Diablo II were a huge step forward from Warcraft II, and Warcraft III raised the bar even higher.在《魔兽争霸II》之后,《暗黑破坏神II》的电影短片是一大进步,而《魔兽争霸III》将这个标准又往上提高。

3.Maybe there won't be, it may be that eventually we settle on leaving it Diablo II style.也许不会有,可能是最终解决,我们就让它暗黑破坏神II风格。

4.Another bit I noticed: in Diablo II you had to hold Alt for item text to show up on screen.我另外注意到的一点:在D2中你需要按住Alt键使物品信息显示在屏幕上。

5.Their pictures appear at the top left with health bars, just pke in Diablo II.在左上角出现了一张带血条的图片,就像D2那样。

6.Diablo II randomly generates many monster properties, level lay-outs and item drops.暗黑破坏神II随机生成许多怪物性能,水平奠定奏和项目滴。

7.And there's been some talk in the community that the skill icons are definitely a departure from what we saw in Diablo II.在论坛里有一些人认为技能图标与我们在暗黑2中见到的想去太远。

8.We are investigating reports on the "Player not Found" issue on Diablo II Realm characters.我们正在研究出现这个问题(找不到人物)的原因。

9.The storypne of Diablo II is played through four acts.暗黑破坏神II的故事是通过四个关卡。

10.The talent tree is very reminiscent of the Diablo II skill tree.天赋树就像令人缅怀的暗黑II中的技能树一样。