


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:域名系统(Domain Name System);域名服务器(Domain Name Server);域名服务(Domain Name Service)



abbr.1.domain name system

1.域名系统(Domain Name System)全协议(DNSSEC))是一整套安全规则,用来确保域名系统(DNS)内部信息的安全,并在提供权限认证功能的同时保证信息的完 …

2.域名服务器(Domain Name Server)域名服务器(DNS)在哪呀,需要在域名服务器(DNS)里改的。只改本机ip不起作用。

3.域名服务(Domain Name Service)配置域名服务 (DNS) 或 Windows Internet 名称服务 (WINS)。必须在要安装 SQL Server 故障转移群集的环境中运行 DNS 服务 …

4.网域名称系统网域名称系统 (dns) 是必要元件,可以确保 exchange 邮件如预期地顺利送进送出组织。 microsoft isa server 新闻群组公布了 …

5.域名解析及到域名解析(DNS),你局域网里面需要有一台机器安装dns服务才能解析你所在局域网的IP.没有安装DNS当然只能用IP访问对 …

6.域名解析服务器和域名解析服务器DNS)将域名转成ip地址发送到服务器。服务器端的Windows操作系统分为两个部分,IIS运行在用户模式 …


1.If the client has no DNS entry, this option should specify the name you want to be contained in the local host file of the LPAR.如果客户机没有DNS条目,这个选项应该指定需要包含在LPAR的本地主机文件中的名称。

2.If you want me to set up wildcard DNS for you, there are a few things Ineed to do on this end to configure your Apache service correctly.如果您要我设定计算机通配符DNS为您,有几件事I需要做在这个末端配置您的亚帕基印第安人正确地服务。

3.We need good ways to intercept DNS requests so they don't "leak" their request to a local observer while we're trying to be anonymous.我们需要好的办法拦截DNS请求,这样,当我们想要匿名时,DNS请求就不会泄露给本地的窃听者。

4.The process of translating a web address into an IP address through a DNS lookup, or vice versa, is often called "resolving. "通过DNS解析将网络地址转为IP地址的过程,或相反,被称为“解析”。

5.DNS. Google has already launched support for people to use their DNS servers instead of that of their ISP.DNS-Google已启动支持网民使用其DNS服务器,来替代ISP。

6.Now, you can add DNS records to the bottom of the zone. Do remember to increment the serial as you add entries though.现在,您可以将DNS记录添加在域的底部。记住在您添加条目之后要增加序列号。

7.DNS servers allowed Internet users to type in an easy-to-remember domain name and then converted it to the IP address automatically.DNS服务器使互联网用户可以输入一个容易记住的域名,然后它会自动将它转换成IP地址。

8.Like the Internet itself, DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network.与因特网本身相似,DNS设计为甚至在部分网络受到严重破坏的情况下仍能工作。

9.In addition, syslog is often used to record e-mail messages delivery, filesystem issues, and even DHCP leases, DNS issues, and NFS problems.另外,syslog通常还用于记录电子邮件消息传递、文件系统问题,甚至DHCP租期、DNS问题和NFS问题。

10.One involves playing some tricks with your DNS so that the standby server takes over the name and IP address of the failed server.一种需要对DNS用一些小技巧,使得备用服务器能够获取故障服务器的名称和IP地址。