


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:直接配送到商店(Direct Store Delivery);数字流;双倍印花税



1.直接配送到商店(Direct Store Delivery)Direct Store Delivery (DSD) and Route Accounting (英)-应用简介(1 MB pdf)观看视频 产品照片 查看概览 外观时尚而又坚固耐 …

2.数字流CS4398同时具有专用直接数字流(DSD)处理器,允许音量控制和50千赫片上滤波,而无需中级简化过程。它还通过使用多元素 …

3.双倍印花税在双倍印花税DSD)实施后,长实(00001)於上周减价推新盘货尾,有券商认为,有关做法令楼价尤其新盘售价受压,跌幅 …

4.回收系统它的双轨回收系统DSD)是一个专门组织对包装废弃物进行回 收利用的非政府组织。它接受企业的委托,组织收运者对他们 …

5.渠务署(Drainage Services Department)渠务署DSD)和HKSARG土力工程处雨量计的数据传输给香港天文台(HKO)以支持暴雨预警系统,新界北部水浸情况特别 …


1.This latter term would even preserve the abbreviation DSD , but would give it a more widely accepted meaning .后一个术语甚至可能会附和缩写DSD,但是可能会让更多人接受这个含意。

2.By charging a licensing fee for its "green dot" trademark, DSD pays for the collection, sorting and recycling of packaging materials.DSD公司会对任何使用“绿点”商标的单位征收许可证费用,但DSD公司将负责包装材料垃圾的收集、分类与回收处理。

3.Users can select whether to output the DSD (Direct Stream Digital) signal in its native format or convert it into PCM.用户可以选择是否在其本机格式输出渠务署(直接数字流)信号或转换成它的PCM。

4.ultimate classic audiophile recording ! dsd direct sbm remixing.经典发烧录音,终极女声天碟!

5.Finally, some suggestions for developing domestic DSD acid industry were put forward.最后对我国DSD酸工业今后的发展提出几点建议。

6.Drive System Designer ( "DSD" ) is like no other drive software.驱动系统设计师(“渠务署”)是像任何其他驱动软件。

7.Methods 7 male cases with neurogenic DSD who received the procedure were reported.方法对7例接受钬激光外括约肌切开术的神经源性DSD男患者进行回顾性分析。

8.Because of DSD, it is now possible to revitalize the music world.因为DSD,现在它是可能使恢复生气音乐世界的。

9.And some products' production export predominance is also obvious such as fireworks, DSD acid, candles and asphalt felt.同时,烟花、DSD酸、蜡烛、油毡等生产出口优势也很明显。

10.The main ingredients of the organic impurities in DSD acid, their formation mechanism and effects on the fluorescent whiteners therefromDSD酸中所含有机杂质的主要组分和形成机理及对下游产品荧光增白剂的影响