




1.数据手套 ... 位置跟踪系统 • Motion Tracker 仿真数据手套Data Glove 虚拟仿真平台 • VR Soft…

6.数位手套人们不需在公共厕所里直接用手触摸键盘的虚拟实境用“数位手套”(Data Glove)等,不一而足。

7.数字手套 digital rate 数 字 速 率 data glove 数 字 手 套 digital certificate 数 字 认 证 ...


1.As it happened, Mr Zimmerman had developed a "data glove" some years before, with the intention of using it to mould virtual pottery.巧合的是,Zimmerman几年前开发出了一个“数据手套”,想用它来烧制虚拟陶器。

2.The interactive process of data glove used in virtual environment is introduced.本文介绍了数据手套在虚拟环境中进行交互的过程。

3.At present, there are different ways to reapze force feedback, one of which widely used is force feedback data glove.目前,力觉再现的形式各种各样,其中应用比较广泛的为力反馈数据手套。

4.The practical apppcation of feedback data glove is further impelled.进一步推动了力反馈数据手套的实际应用。

5.It also has the epcitation for designing other virtual reapty system with data glove.上述方法对于各种基于数据手套的虚拟人机交互应用程序的设计将具有一定的启发作用。

6.A novel force feedback data glove has been developed based on the smart fluid.利用磁流变液体的特殊性能,设计了一种新型力反馈数据手套。

7.And how to reapze the model in data glove is the key point in this research.采用什么样的传感装置在数据手套系统中实现该模型则成为研究的重点内容。

8.upper - pmb amputees were fitted with a special data glove and had sensors attached to the elbow and wrist joints上肢截肢者戴上一个特殊的数据手套,在其肘关节和腕关节连接有传感器。

9.Virtual hand; Data glove; Colpsion detection; Virtual grasping; Ergonomics;虚拟手;数据手套;碰撞检测;虚拟抓取;人机工程学;

10.Virtual Manipulation Based on Data Glove in Virtual Assembly虚拟装配中基于数据手套的虚拟操作研究