




1.艾克 ... 2. 克里斯·尤班克( Chris Eubank) 3. 大卫·爱克( David Icke) 4. 汤姆·贝克( Tom Baker) ...

5.易柯近蓝的绿,所以蓝绿色更为适合) 根据英国新纪元领袖戴维埃克(David Icke)的话,蓝绿色是"宇宙的神秘之色"。 宇宙真正的颜 …


1.Remember David Icke's words, "Infinite love is all there is, everything else is an illusion. "记住大卫艾克的话【无限的爱之能量无处不在,每件其他的事物都是幻象】。

2.The Sheeple Effect which is much talked about by David Icke, is controlled by a Fear Programme that has been very effective, up to now.无主见的羊人是被大卫。艾克提到很多的,就是通过一个恐惧计划来实现控制,一直以来非常有效,直到现在。

3.As David Icke reaches out today to the people of New York, please send your thoughts and prayers that the Truth will be well received .鉴于今天“大卫艾克”到达纽约演讲,请发送你的想法和祝福,那“真理”会被接受。

4.Remember, when you first met David Icke, he told you that it was from WEST TO EAST.记住,当你第一次遇到大卫艾克,他就通知了你,这已经就是从【东方到西方】。

5.David Icke has constantly warned of all this for 20 years.大卫。艾克已经持续不断的警告了所有这些20年了。

6.David Icke once joked, "What would happen if a war was declared and no one turned up? "大卫。艾克曾经开玩笑--“当一场战争被大声要求却没有人理睬的时候会发生什么事情呢?”

7.Note: The three cards thus chosen by David Icke have been fulfilled and in the exact order as depicted.注:三张牌从而选择了由大卫Icke已完成和在描绘的准确顺序。

8.Many people watching this video will be aware of what David Icke has been talking about.许多看这部影片的人将会知道大卫。艾克所谈论的。