




1.达沃斯论坛 ... Corner reflector【 光学】角反射器 Davos Forum经济】达沃斯论坛 para red【 化工】对位红 ...

3.达沃斯夏季论坛大陆国务院总理温家宝在14日於大连举行的达沃斯夏季论坛(Davos Forum)开幕式上表示,世界经济正在缓慢复苏,但不稳定和 …


1.She also considered the Davos Forum as "an important symbol of closer cooperation between the World Economic Forum and China" .她还认为达沃斯论坛是一个世界经济论坛和中国拉近合作的重要符号。

2.The Summer Davos Forum is over. The Huizhan Center is now busing with the International Clothes Festival.达沃斯会议结束了,会展中心又在忙着为服装节布展。

3.The annual meeting of Summer Davos forum was the global meeting held by WEF outside Davos.夏季达沃斯论坛年会是世界经济论坛在达沃斯以外举行的全球性会议。

4.To even attend summer Davos forum, the number is more, to make every effort to reception and conference services.来连参加夏季达沃斯论坛的人数较多,要全力做好人员接待与会议服务工作。

5.A: The third Summer Davos Forum opens this afternoon in Dapan city. Premier Wen Jiabao will attend and address the opening ceremony.答:第三届“夏季达沃斯”论坛今天下午在大连开幕,国务院总理温家宝出席开幕式并致辞,80多个国家和地区的约1500名代表与会。

6.Congratulations on New Champions 2009 (Summer Davos Forum) Curtain-up on September 10th.热烈恭贺2009新领军者年会(夏季达沃斯论坛)9月10日风云启幕!

7.The first annual meeting of Summer Davos Forum was held in Dapan in 2007.首届论坛年会于2007年在大连举行。