




1.托儿所 ... Library 图书馆 Daycare Center 托儿所 City Square 城市广场 ...

2.日托中心nt Office Tower)及5层楼的商店区及日间托育中心Daycare Center),而温哥华图书馆的顶楼则是一个空中花园……

4.托儿中心 ... 11. Carpool 共乘车辆 12. Daycare Center 托儿中心 13. Laid Off 解雇 ...

5.看托儿中心 否,不过目前几乎所有四岁孩童都在全日制 或半日制幼儿托育中心 (daycare center) 或幼 儿园 (kindergarden) 就读,这些机 …

8.托儿中心内托儿中心内(Daycare Center)


1.I then returned to the daycare center. He thought it would be funny if he hid in the trash.最后当我回到托儿所的时候,我发现他藏在垃圾桶里,因为他觉得这样很好玩。

2.Even in this high tech age, word of mouth can be very helpful when it comes to selecting a daycare center for your child.即使在这个高科技时代,当说到为您的爱子或爱女挑选一个日托中心时,口口相传还是非常有帮助的。

3.As you consider sending your child to a childcare or daycare center, there are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind.如果你在考虑着送你的孩子去育儿所或日托所,有许多事实你不得不谨记。

4.When a daycare center is pcensed you can be assured at least to some degree the center itself is inspected with some regularity.如果那个托儿所是享有开业许可的,那您可以在某些程度上放心了,至少保证了这个中心是接受常规性的检查。

5.Last month, a worker slashed children with a knife at a daycare center for migrant workers in eastern China, wounding eight of them.上个月,上海一家民工幼儿园的员工持刀伤害幼儿,造成八名儿童受伤。

6.President Justin Yu, who also serves as the chairperson of the Chinatown Daycare Center, attended the graduation ceremony of the center.身兼华埠儿童培护中心董事长的于金山主席出席该中心举行的毕业典礼。

7.Young students at a daycare center in Malaysia are also helping Japan by taking to the streets to sopcit donations.马来西亚幼儿中心的小朋友,也走上街头募款要帮助受灾的日本;

8.However, we walked around in the daycare center and it was nice even though it was directly connected to a pig farm.但我们还是在周围走了一下,这个地方条件不错,尽管旁边紧挨着猪圈。

9.Third, talk to other parents and get information from them about a particular daycare center.第三,与其他家长交流,从他们那儿得到那个托儿所的相关信息。

10.Rebecca: You look exhausted! Another tough day at the daycare center?你看起来很疲惫!在日托中心又度过了辛苦的一天?