




1.舅父大人 ... Oh dear;dear me. 哦;哎呀 Dear Uncle 舅父大人 Oh,dear. 唉呀,糟糕。 ...

2.连起来 大叔: uncle 连起来Dear uncle 亲爱的: dear ...


1.I mourn sincerely the death of my dear uncle, the King, but I know I may count on you to serve me as loyally as you served him.我为我叔父--国王的死感到深切的哀痛,但我坚信你们会服务于我,如对他那般的忠诚。

2.I know my dear uncle and aunt so well that I am not afraid of requesting it, though I have still something more to ask of the former.舅父母和我相知颇深,决不会见怪,我因此才大胆提出要求,而且我还有别的事要求舅父帮忙。

3.I stood up and said, "Dear uncle, you are finally here. "我站起来,说道:叔叔,你终于来了。

4.Dear uncle, aunt who welcome you to come.亲爱的叔叔阿姨们,欢迎你们的到来。

5.The man said , "When I see this cup , it reminds me of my dead dear uncle . "这个人说:“我看到这个酒杯就想起了我那死去的亲爱的叔叔。”

6.Fortunately, I don't need to go to work by bike and I will work hard. Thanks you for the sponsorship, dear uncle!这是我喜欢的款式,现在终于不用骑单车上班了,我会努力工作的,谢谢叔叔的赞助!

7.Then the fish asked, "Dear uncle crane, what can we do to save ourselves? "接着鱼又问:“亲爱的鹤叔叔,我们要怎样做才能自救呢?”

8.Dear uncle, aunt grandparents, everyone will be good!亲爱的爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨,大家好!

9.The boy said with a smile, "My dear uncle, I've made you go out of the house. "那男孩笑着说,“亲爱的叔叔,我让你走出了你的房子。”

10.Oh, no, not you, my dear uncle.欧,不会吧,我亲爱的叔叔!