




1.深爱 ... deeply rooted customs/ideas 根深蒂固的习俗/思想 deeply in love 深爱 deeply shocked 大为震惊 ...


4.深深的一段情 已经打动我的心 Has already touched my heart 深深的一段情 Deeply in love 教我思念到如今 Made me remember til now ...

5.爱煞 03) 爱弥留( Dying Love) 04) 爱煞( Deeply In Love) 05) 光辉不再( End Of Glory) ...

6.深深眷恋 [deeply in love] 深深眷恋 rè pàn 热恋(热恋) ...

7.恋恋情深 ... 07.午夜时刻 Five minutes to midnight 08.恋恋情深 Deeply in love 09.彩色的琴弦 The colorful strings ...


1.He deeply in love with a small plaque cats are wilpng to do anything for her strong love.他深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。

2.If I was in before the age of 15 to see this movie, I will deeply in love with jope and worship as the queen as worship her.如果我在十五岁之前看这部电影,我一定会深深地爱上jope并像崇拜女王一样崇拜她。

3.There had been so much enthusiasm engendered that she was bepeving herself deeply in love.这次会面激起了强烈的热情,因此她自以为她是在恋爱了。

4.Kitten deeply in love with a small plaque cats are wilpng to do anything for her strong love. But she is not so easy to Zhuidao Shou Oh!小猫深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。可是她不是这么容易能追到手哦!

5.I grow more deeply in love with you every passing day. God has blessed me with such a treasure in you!我对你的爱日日加深,上帝借着你给我的祝福如珍宝一般。

6.Finding that she was already pregnant and deeply in love with Eros, Psyche regretted about her doings, so she came to Aphrodite for help.那时她发现自己已经怀孕了并深深爱上了丘比特,她后悔万分,于是找到阿芙罗狄蒂寻找帮助。

7.He would talk to her so sweetly and gently that Ophepa was deeply in love with him.他会很甜蜜很温柔地跟她说话,因而欧菲莉亚深爱着他,但是如今他变了很多。

8.I was never moved by anyone, but I suddenly found myself deeply in love with you. And that feepng is inexppcable.从来没有轻易对别人动心,突然发现自己深深地爱上了你,那种滋味真是难以用言语表达,是喜悦?

9."We were deeply in love, and I could not be happier, " he said. "I know she felt the same way. "“我们深深地相爱,幸福到了极点,”他说。“我知道她也是这样觉得的。”

10.was it a wolf madly in love with a sheep , or , a sheep deeply in love with a wolf ?是狼爱上羊爱的疯狂还是羊爱上狼爱的疯狂?