




1.难以抗拒的真爱 【几乎正常/ Almost Norma 【难以抗拒的真爱/ Defying Gravity 【离开我,记得我/ Gone,But Not Forg…

2.反抗重力 ... Defying gravity 反重力 Defying gravity 反抗重力 And you won't bring me down… 你不能阻止 …

3.抵抗地心引力 ... It's time to try 是时候尝试 Defying gravity 抵抗地心引力 I think I'll try 我想我该试著 ...

4.抗拒重力 Sweet Caropne 亲爱的卡洛琳 Defying Gravity 反抗引力 Never Grow Up 不要长大 ...

6.抗拒引力 It's time to try 是时候去尝试 Defying gravity 反抗地心引力 I think I'll try 我想我将会去尝试 ...

8.一次反抗地心引力 ... I'd sooner buy 我宁愿将之拿来换取 Defying gravity 一次反抗地心引力 I'm defying gravity 我要反抗地心引力 ...


1.Balancing with such excellent skill, the tight rope dancer seemed as if defying gravity itself.那个走钢丝的,平衡技术精湛到了极点,简直连地心引力也不在话下。

2.Within a year Internet stocks were flying, defying gravity.1年后,互联网股票飞上天了,似乎脱离了地球引力。

3.Defying gravity, the stream of animals sashay across our field of vision, moving at his or her own accord in a time warped space.一连串的玩偶如违抗地心引力般滑行穿越过我们的视野,依他们自己的节奏步伐在时间被扭曲的空间里移动著。

4.Having survived the financial crisis, most Asian economies appear to be defying gravity.大多数亚洲经济体都安然渡过了金融危机,如今似乎正逆势反弹。

5.Markets are full of cats and dogs, stocks of unprofitable companies that at some point fly through the roof, defying gravity.市场到处都是低价股票,不赚钱公司的股票有时会飞破屋顶。

6.Mainly, Wuhan's leaders are counting on property prices to continue defying gravity, even if some analysts predict a coming crash.主要是,武汉的领导们还在指望房产价格会继续高歌猛进,即使一些分析师预测房产市场将要崩盘。

7.I was keen to experience the excitement of defying gravity.我渴望体验对抗地球引力的快感。

8.I think i'll try defying gravity我要试着这反抗引力