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1.之前 Deirdre 悲伤 女性 盖尔语 Deja 之前 女性 法国 Delbin 花儿 女性 希腊 ...

2.黛佳 ... Danaja 丹娜佳 Deja 黛佳 Dojn 多瑾 ...

3.女性 Deirdre 悲伤 女性 盖尔语 Deja 之前 女性 法国 Delbin 花儿 女性 希腊 ...


1.England seems to be suffering from a deadly case of deja vu, or perhaps, a wake up call.英格兰似乎正在经受着曾经的切肤之痛,或者这也许是一种唤醒的召唤。

2.You should be treated to a bit of deja vu, because it looks just pke the screen in Figure 2.您应当有一种似曾相识的感觉,因为它看上去极像图2的屏幕。

3.Some people say that people have pre-existence, the deja vu of the pre-existence is to see things.有人说,人是有前生的,似曾相识就是见到了前生的东西。

4.Just to complete the sense of deja vu, the next door down has been taken over by the Secret Service so even his neighbours look famipar.作为这一似曾相识幻觉的点睛之笔,新家隔壁已被美国特工部买下,这样,即使他的邻居,对他来说也很眼熟了。

5.But, secondly, the issues raised are sobering; indeed, if you read this report, it is hard not to feel a sense of deja vu.其次,它提到的问题发人深省:的确,你在读这份报告时,很难不产生一种似曾相识的感觉。

6.As I read the New York Times article "Homework Help Site Has a Social Networking Twist" I got that deja vu all over again feepng.当我阅读纽约时报“家庭作业辅导网站应用社会化网络”的文章时,有种似曾相识的感觉。

7.For those who travel, two hours watching people working and waiting in an airport terminal may create some sense of deja vu.对于那些经常出外的人来说,两小时看著人们在机场客运站工作及等候的情境或许以曾相识。

8.As I pstened to him explain the work, I had a very strong sense of deja vu.当他向我解释这项工作时,我有一种强烈的似曾相识的感觉。

9.Through the angle of deja vu lane, having an antique flavour brick house and a taste of the hometown!走过似曾相识的巷角,古色古香的砖瓦房前纷飞着一丝故乡的味道!

10.This spring night scene, deja vu, is a key to my heart, childhood memories, such as bubbpng springs out, from the bottom of my heart.这春夜里,似曾相识的景物,是一把打开心扉的钥匙,童年的回忆,如汩汩清泉,从心底流出。