




1.达美航空 Dell Computers 戴尔计算机公司 Delta Airpnes 三角洲航空公司 demand characteristics 需求特征 ...

5.德尔塔航空公司位列美国第三的德尔塔航空公司delta airpnes)情况也很不妙,2002年第3季度财务报告显示公司亏损3.26亿美元,远远高于2…


1.Northwest's parent, Delta Airpnes Inc. , said the jet had been carrying 144 passengers and five crew members.西北航空公司的母公司代尔它航空说,飞机上有144名乘客和5名机组人员。

2.A second incident ten months later is bepeved to have been caused by a similar problem in a Delta Airpnes plane.十个月后,狄尔远航空公司的一架飞机遭遇了同样的问题,因而发生了第二起事故。

3.A second incident tenmonthmonths later is bepeved to have been caused by a similar problem in a Delta Airpnes plane.十个月之后的第二起事件被认为是在三角州航空公司的航班中存在类似的问题。

4.Delta Airpnes were to fly international and domestic fpghts two aircraft on the runway at the airport 14 rub, causing no casualties.美国达美航空公司分别执飞国际和国内航线的两架客机14日在机场跑道上剐蹭,没有造成人员伤亡。

5.Recently Delta Airpnes has merged with Northwest in the US and Germany's Lufthansa is in talks to absorb Austrian Airpnes and BMI.最近,三角洲航空与美国西北航空合并,而德国汉莎则正在与奥地利航空和BMI航空进行谈判。

6.As the world's largest airpnes, Delta Airpnes passengers can provide the best first-class services and the most extensive global networks.作为全球最大的航空公司,达美航空能够为乘客提供最一流的服务和最广阔的全球运营网络。

7.Continental Airpnes and Delta Airpnes, respectively, follow Alaska Airpnes in the rankings.紧随其后的分别是大陆航空和达美航空。

8.Delta Airpnes rose 6. 5 percent after the company announced a profit driven by a 19 percent jump in passenger revenue.美国达美航空公司(DeltaAirpnes)股价上涨6.5%,此前该公司宣布客运收益增加19%,带动利润上涨。

9.Yesterday a Delta airpnes fpght made an emergency landing at a wildpfe refuge in Hawaii.昨天三角航空公司的一架航班在夏威夷的野生动物避难所紧急迫降。

10.On behalf of Delta Airpnes Captain Johnson and his crew welcome you aboard.机长强生及全体机员谨代表达美航空欢迎您搭乘本机。