




1.民主与科学 民主和科学 Democracy and Science 提交第二篇论文 Second paper due ...

3.德先生和赛先生译语汇,聊到了一些直译法,比方说民国初年常见的 "德先生与赛先生" (democracy and science) ,其实就是我们现在惯用的 …

5.民主于科学五四所倡导的是:民主于科学Democracy and Science)。从此之后这两样东西就我们救国救民的灵丹妙药,什么传统要它统 …

6.赛两先生早在五四运动时期、有识之士就提倡中国需要德 赛两先生democracy and science),自然科学一般有国际共识,引进这位赛 …


1.Founded in 1898, this university bepeves in "Patriotism, Progressiveness, Democracy and Science" and we are proud to be part of it.建立于1898年的北京大学长久以来一直坚信“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的精神。今天我们能为自己成为一名北大人而感到骄傲。

2.Democracy and science are two flags of the May 4th Movement, are also the only way for Chinese nation's great rejuvenation since 1840.民主和科学是五四运动的两面旗帜,也是中国近代以来实现国富民强的必由之路。

3.This two lever actually is a "54" New Culture Movement's "democracy" and "science" banner on both sides of the embryo.这两根杠杆实际上就是“五四”新文化运动中提出的“民主”与“科学”的两面旗帜的胚胎。

4.Based on his results, a new model which combined ethics, democracy and science rebuilt his system of cultural philosophy.在此基础上,韦政通提出了伦理、民主和科学三结合的新文化模式,构建起一个完整的文化哲学体系。

5.wrote of patriatism, progress, democracy and science.先哲曾写书,爱国进步民主科学。

6.pubpc popcy process; women's poptical participation; democracy and science popcy; gender equapty and harmony;公共政策过程;女性政治参与;政策民主与科学;两性平等与和谐;