




1.恶魔领主 野兽 Beast 魔王 Demon Lord 梦魔 Incubus ...

4.妖魔领主 ... 巨首石化怪 ——Catoblepas 魔鬼领主 ——Demon Lord 恶魔 ——Devil ...


1.Those creatures would not dare to betray such a powerful Demon Lord, he will be able to drive them before him into any battle.这些生物绝对不敢违抗这样一位强大的恶魔领主,到时阿格雷尔便可以指挥它们在任何战场上冲锋陷阵了。

2.As the captain continued to rally the night elves and turn the tide of battle, he caught the eye of the demon lord Archimonde.正当迦洛德正组织暗夜精灵以扭转战局的时候,他被恶魔之王阿克蒙德盯上了。

3.They had to get out of the devildom because Demon Lord was angry.因为魔王很生气,所以他们必须离开魔界才行。

4.The cunning demon lord, under orders of his master, Sargeras, was plotting the Burning Legion's second invasion of Azeroth.这个狡猾的恶魔领主在他的主人萨格拉斯的命令下,计划着燃烧军团对艾泽拉斯世界的第二次入侵。

5.As feared, the scouts were but the vanguard of a larger Demon army headed by a Demon Lord.正如原来担心的一样,这些密探只不过是恶魔大军的一个先遣队。

6.Malfurion was furious and grieved; he called roots out of the ground to attack the demon lord.玛法里奥悲愤交加,他从地底召唤藤蔓去攻击恶魔之王。

7.The Demon Lord Agrael prepares to rout Elven troops that are marching to assist the Empire.恶魔领主阿格雷尔正打算铲除前来援助帝国的精灵军队。

8.The clever demon lord finally found the wilpng disciple he sought - Ner'zhul's ambitious apprentice, Gul'dan.狡诈的恶魔领主最终找到了一个令他满意的忠实门徒——耐奥祖那野心勃勃的学生,古尔丹。

9.The demon lord Kil'jaeden punished Ner'zhul for his defiance, destroying his aging body and torturing his spirit.为了惩罚耐奥祖的反抗,恶魔首领基尔加丹摧毁了他衰老的肉体并且折磨他的灵魂。

10.In the Ramayana: the demon-lord Ravana's flying palace called Pushpaka.在《罗摩衍那》里面:魔王拉瓦那的飞行器就称为布斯帕卡。