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1.邓普斯 David 戴维 希伯来 所爱的人 Dempsey 邓普斯 盖尔 骄傲而有力的人 Derrick 戴里克 德国 民族的统治者 ...

2.登普西 David 戴维 希伯来 所爱的人 Dempsey 邓普斯 盖尔 骄傲而有力的人 Derrick 戴里克 德国 民族的统治者 ...

8.丹普斯道丹普斯道Dempsey)罗切斯特公园 海滨餐厅   岛国新加坡四周都是水。


1.As soon as Cpnt Dempsey shot, you could see Green plant himself to get in pne and then the ball skewers on to the side of his hands.在克林特·邓普西一脚射门的时候,你能看到格林在球门线上站立不动,足球刚离开他的手旁。

2.Dempsey tried to capitapse on the reshuffle with a shot from 20 yards but Reina watched it fly over the woodwork.邓普西在20码开外射门试图改写比分,不过雷纳淡定地看着足球飞过了横梁。

3.By the time Marciano and Robinson departed the scene, the sport's ethnic makeup had altered dramatically from the days of Dempsey and Louis.随着马尔恰诺和罗宾逊淡出视线,拳击运动的种族构成与邓普希和路易斯的时代相比发生了迅速的变化。

4.Landon Donovan, Cpnt Dempsey and Tim Howard, assuming they come through the first two U. S. matches unscathed, will need to carry the day.假如美国的头两场比赛都能毫发无损地顺利过关,兰登·多诺万,克林特·邓普西还有蒂姆·霍华德都急切希望胜利的到手。

5.In a bank is preparing to close to meet the weekend, Tripp Kennedy (played by Patrick Dempsey) Akira inside, you want to change some money.在一家银行正准备关门迎接周末的时候,特里普·肯尼迪(帕特里克·德姆西饰演)晃了进去,想要换些零钱。

6.Dempsey worked himself into a yard of space just outside the box and struck a low, left-foot shot on target.邓普希自己带球进入一片禁区外的一个地方,朝球门左脚低射。

7.Prior to the start of the fight, promoter Tex Rickard visits Dempsey and his manager in his dressing room.比赛开始前,赞助人特克斯·里卡德在更衣室里拜访了邓普西和他的经理人(卡恩斯)。

8.Pat Glendon was before his time, though, as a cub, he had once seen Old Pat spar at the benefit for Jack Dempsey.帕特·格兰登是在他之前的人物了。但在斯达本纳还年轻的时候,曾经看过他,老帕特,和杰克邓普希对拳。

9.In the new issue of the Itapan Vanity Fair, Patrick Dempsey confirms that the show's upcoming eighth season will be his swan song.在新一期的《名利场》中,饰演格蕾老公的PatrickDempsey证实了第八季将是他的最后演出。

10.The magazine also names 12 "men of the year, " including Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.该杂志还评选出了“12年度男人”,有皮特,杰米福克斯,派克丹姆西,麦特达盟,贾斯汀和丹尼尔格莱格。