




1.发展权 ... moral rights 精神权利 development rights 不动产(如耕地的)使用权 privacy rights 隐私权 ...


1.After this, the measure of comprehensive zone price of land requisition is improved to exemppfy the land development rights.改进征地区片综合地价测算方法,使土地发展权的分配在现实中得以实现。

2.Acquired development rights for Rui Hong Xin Cheng in Hong Kou District, Shanghai.取得位于上海市虹口区之瑞虹新城的发展权。

3.The local government receives one-fourth of its annual income from the sale of property-development rights.市政府每年收入的四分之一来自房地产开放权的出售。

4.Protection for worker's survival and development rights should be written into the Constitution.对工人的生存权和发展权的保护,应该写入宪法。

5.Theoretically, since they are invisible, basements fall under permitted development rights and are not subject to planning control.理论上讲,因为地下室是隐蔽的,应当归于可允许开发权力范围之内,而不受规划监管的控制。

6.The purchaser of development rights does not have to actually use the purchased rights for development.发展权的购买者并没有真正用于开发所购买的权利。

7.Acquired development rights for the current location of Shui On Plaza on Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai.取得位于上海市淮海中路现今瑞安广场地段的发展权。

8.American democracy at home education, parents and children together to safeguard all aspects of the development rights norms.美国的家庭教育崇尚民主,父母和孩子共同制定能维护各方面权益的规范。

9.Chapter V proposed the creation of land development rights in China should follow the style of legislation and basic principles.第五章提出我国创设土地发展权的立法建议,包括应该遵循的立法体例和基本原则。

10.In recent years importance has been attached by academe to the research of farmland development rights in China.近年来我国学术界逐渐重视对农地发展权制度的研究,然而其研究阶段仍处于农地发展权理论研究的初始阶段。