




1.魔鬼蛋 Pork-Stuffed Pastry 鲜肉酥饼 Deviled Eggs 魔鬼蛋 Gyoza 日式煎饺 ...

2.蘸了很多芥末的鸡蛋 ... 221. Polyjuice Potion 复方汤剂 222. Deviled Eggs 蘸了很多芥末的鸡蛋 223. Oatmeal Cookies 燕麦片小甜饼 ...

3.芥末蘸蛋 ... 178 Deodorant 除臭剂 179 Deviled Eggs 芥末蘸蛋 180 Diet Cola 健怡可乐 ...

4.复活节的魔鬼蛋 ... 复活节的十字面包( Easter Cross Buns) 复活节的魔鬼蛋( Deviled Eggs) 西班牙海鲜炖饭( Paella) ...

5.酪梨魔鬼蛋 苏格兰蛋 Scotch Eggs 厨房》酪梨魔鬼蛋 Deviled Eggs 猪排不蓝带(三人份…

6.芥末蛋 ... 221. Polyjuice Potion 多汁剂 222. Deviled Eggs 芥末蛋 223. Oatmeal Cookies 燕麦片小甜饼 ...

7.魔鬼蛋盘s St间)电话:212-255-7675 价格:魔鬼蛋盘Deviled Eggs)及鸭油腰果等小点心皆是一份$3;店家自制的腌制熟食盘(Hous…

8.魔鬼蛋盘点心还点了一道魔鬼蛋盘点心Deviled Eggs),大厨将水煮蛋去壳后切半,挖出蛋黄后,加入一些拌以芥茉的鱼子、草菇、波菜等 …


1.Eggs can be prepared in a variety of ways: deviled eggs, over-easy, omelet style, scrambled, and hard-boiled.可以采取各种方式制作鸡蛋:魔鬼蛋,双面煎的,煎蛋卷风格的,以及煮透的。

2.IT'S an odd happenstance when chocolate cake inspires a recipe for deviled eggs, but so it went a few weeks ago.魔鬼蛋的灵感来源于巧克力蛋糕,虽然只是我偶然的奇怪的想法,但是好像几个星期前就已经形成了雏形。

3.A platter of deviled eggs, however, with their creamy yellow yolks dusted with paprika, would satisfy both my nostalgia and my appetite.然而,一盘蛋黄上撒有红辣椒粉的魔鬼蛋还是能够一解我的思乡之苦和提升我的食欲。

4.Likewise, be careful with egg salad or deviled eggs made with lots of mayonnaise. Both are fat and calorie bombs.否则,小心你的鸡蛋色拉或用大量蛋黄酱烹制的鸡蛋成为脂肪和卡路里炸弹。

5.Use hard-boiled eggs to make deviled eggs or egg salad sandwiches.吃魔鬼蛋或者鸡蛋沙拉三明治的话要用全熟鸡蛋。

6.I think you mean deviled eggs.你是说辣味烤鸡蛋吧?

7.DEAR SARA: I've been looking for deviled -egg variations. How do you make your deviled eggs?亲爱的莎拉:我一直在找加了辣椒粉的蛋的不同做法,你是怎么做加了辣椒粉的蛋的呢?