




1.掘客要包括:强调个人的博客模式(Blog)、集体鉴识的掘客模式(Digg)、分众分类的社会书签模式(social Tag)、协同创作与共同规 …

5.顶一下 > ask, 问吧, > digg, 顶一下, > mood, 心情指数, ...

6.新闻 7 Yahoo 雅虎 8 Digg 新闻 图像 视频 9 Skype 网络电话 ...

7.社区新闻 社区聚合( FriendFeed) 社区新闻digg) 社区网络( Facebook, Twitter) ...

8.推荐 社区 Bbs 推荐 DIGG 首页 Home ...


1.From here submissions can be shared and users can move ideas up or down in a Digg-like voting mechanism.这些提交内容可以共享,用户还可以像在Digg中那样对创意进行投票,上下移动项目。

2.If you're going to make a Digg script, you better be certain it's not blatantly easy to detect.如果你想做一个Digg脚本,你最好确定它不会公然的容易被检测到。

3.By refreshing this page often, top Digg users (who are all friends in the system) can stay up-to-the-moment with each other.那些最受欢迎的用户(彼此都是好友)只需不停地刷新页面,就可以和其他人保持行动的一致。

4.Read what gets onto the front page of Digg and tailor your Digg submissions to people's preferences if you want your story to make it big.读一读博采网页上开始的和结尾的标题,可以把它作为一个参考,如果你想让你的文章吸引人的话。

5.These tools fall either under the "somewhat useful" or "whoa, cool colors" category, and sadly, Digg Arc seems to be of the second variety.这些工具也会沦落于“稍微有点用”或“哇,超酷的颜色”的分类中,让人难过的是DiggArc看上去似乎是二类品种。

6.But I think news aggregators, frankly companies like Digg, have to include a piece of that.但我想搞新闻聚合的公司,比如我们Digg,就会用上一段。

7.If it does really well, it also makes it on to the digg. com home-page, the equivalent of a newspaper's front page.如果故事实在不错,就会被放在相当于报纸头版的网站的首页。

8.And so far, nobody has claimed that the two articles I mentioned are false: Digg exposes most of the voting activity for all to see.到现在为止,没有人认为我上面提到的那两篇文章是假的:Digg把所有的投票记录都公诸于众。

9.(social news): Digg and other social news sites allow you to customize your profile with your personal information and affiliated websites.l(社会化新闻):DIgg和其他社会化新闻站点允许使用个人信息和来源网站来个性化你的简介。

10.Think of it as software extracting key data from Digg so that the data can be displayed, in any format, on a completely separate Web page.可以将它看作一个软件,它从Digg抽取关键数据,以便数据可以任何格式显示在一个完全独立的Web页面上。