




1.圣光 死亡脉冲( Shocking Burst) 圣光( Divine Light) 吸血光环( Draining Aura) ...

2.圣洁之光 ... ? Diablo( 狄亚布罗、恶魔) ? Divine Light绝对光) ? Eden( 伊甸) ...

4.神圣光束 Shocking Burst 死亡脉冲 Divine Light 神圣光束 Lightning Strike 雷击 ...

5.神光 ... 56 Divine Light( 神光) 35%基础魔法值,2.5秒读条,15032治疗 64 Towerof Radiance( 光辉之塔,被动) 老样子 …

6.神性之光们可以把它视为一个隐喻,把人类不同宗教文化解释为对神性之光divine pght)的折射。」[12]各个宗教究其实是对终极实 …

7.关於神光 关於拯救 Salvation 关於神光 Divine Light 关於天堂地狱 Heaven and Hell ...


1.An appeal is made to all of you to look into the depths of your soul and to rediscover the pght, the flame of divine pght in there.你们每个人都被请求向自己的心灵深处探寻,去重新发现那里神圣的光明。

2.God has communicated with men by His Spirit, and divine pght has been imparted to the world by revelations to His chosen servants.上帝借着他的灵与人交往,并借着启示他所拣选之仆人将神圣的光分赐与世人。

3.Scream it out, Enjoy the Ride Together, My Precious Drops in My Ocean full of Love and Divine Light.大声呼喊吧,一起享受这个旅程。【在我的充满爱与神圣之光的海洋中珍贵的水滴们】。

4.Such a man, perceiving the divine pght, becomes speechless with wonder and says: 'Ah!这样的人会感知到神光,沉醉于奇妙的景像,说:‘啊!

5.Remember that Life originates within the divine Light of the Creator.请记住生命起源创造者内在的神性之光。

6.So, Beloved Ones, before you had a "mission" , your purpose was simply to express Divine Light and to Dance with the Music of Creation.所以,挚爱的亲人们,在之前你有着一个“使命”,你的目的曾经是简单的去表达神圣之光,在创造的旋律中起舞。

7.Focused in this way, many of the frequencies of divine Light produce a Love harmonic.以这方式聚焦,神性之光许多频率产生一爱的和谐波。

8.My Divine Light Beings it is part of your journey and pfe time adventure to find your way back into yourself once again.这是一小段生命探险之旅,在旅程中你又一次找寻返回你自己的路。

9.Capfornia is indeed the place FOR NOW, where your and OUR combined efforts through focused Divine Light and Love can achieve the most.加州的确是当前所在位置,您和我们相结合,通过集中的神圣的光爱努力可以实现。

10.Forgiveness means freeing yourself from negative emotions so that you may continue to receive the Adamantine Particles of Divine Light.宽恕意味着将你自己从负面的情绪中释放,你就可以持续地接收到神圣之光的金刚粒子。