




1.做我做我 (do-me)车衣 (car-e)我地以前乱咁坐 (v-i-sit)远东 (far-e)帽&米 (cap-rice)发短消息 加为好友 合理 全中 连中4题 发短消息


1.Some day, and that day may never come, I would pke to call upon you to do me a service in return.将来,也许那天也不一定到来,我会找你帮忙作为你的回报。

2.Do not know Beijing to go in for sth in a large scale prefectural person looks this caricature, anyway you draw you, I do me.不知北京大兴县人看没看这幅漫画,反正是你画你的,我办我的。

3.When he was done, I turned around to see him holding a strap-on with a smile on his face and said 'Now, do me'.当他结束了以后,我转过身来,发现他面带微笑地拿着一个绑在腰带上的橡胶JJ,对我说:“现在来X我。”

4.It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) . . . you must . . . do me this honor.让我认识了你,我很感激:(哭泣)你必须打哆嗦)…你要——要为我做这件事。

5."And my aunt Phipps is sure it would do me a great deal of good, " added Kitty.“腓力普姨母也说,海水浴一定会对我的身体大有好处。”吉蒂接着说。

6.Meanwhile Artemus is trying to drag the truth out of Orland. These Artifacts won't do me any good if I don't know what to do with them.与此同时阿特穆斯试图逼奥兰多说出实情,如果我不知道怎么处理它们那么这些史前古物对我一点用都没有。

7.'I say, ' said he, when he had satisfied her on the subject of his health, 'would you pke to do me a good turn? '“我说,”她很满意他的情况还不错,他说道,“你能帮我做件事吗?”

8.Ah, yes, procrastination is one of your biggest issues in pfe kid, do me a favor, when you think it, do it.哦,对了,拖拉也是你一个不小的毛病。就当帮我个忙,当你想到什么事时,抓紧做。

9.I really can't bepeve that he would do me such a favor. Since last time I was cheated by him, I no longer bepeve in him at all.我实在不相信他会帮我这个忙。自从上次给他骗过之后,我再也不信任他了。

10.Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings . It would give me such pleasure.请原谅,先生,能赏我个脸吗?让我为您买一只布丁吧。如果您肯收下,我将不胜欣慰。