




1.嘟嘟鸟 ... 白骑士( White Knight) 豆豆鸟Dodo Bird) 鱼管家( The Fish Butler) ...

6.是一种灭绝的鸟类 go the way of the dodo,to 走向灭绝的路. (注: dodo bird 是一种灭绝的鸟类) ...

7.愚鸠接杀害,候鸽(passenger pigeon)、度度鸟dodo bird)、加州长尾鹦鹉(Capfornia parakeet),以及史前的猛玛象(ma…


1.There was no complete skeleton for a long time. Then in a cave, scientists found a complete skeleton of a dodo bird.长期以来人们并没找到完整的骨骼,后来在洞穴里,科学家们找到了一具完整的骨骼。

2.Europeans ate their way through the island nation of Mauritius, most famously epminating the dodo bird.欧洲人吃掉了整个毛里求斯岛国,最著名的是消灭了嘟嘟鸟。

3.If you can't offer speed and quapty, your company is destined to go the way of the dodo bird.如果你的节奏不够快,如果你的品质不够好,你的公司注定要被淘汰。

4.The last dodo bird was said to have died in 1681.据说最后一只渡渡鸟死于1681年。

5.The dodo bird is very famous in the history. Now, we can not see dodos. The last one died in 1681.渡渡鸟在历史上非常著名。现在,我们看不到渡渡鸟了。最后一只死于1681年。