




1.曾荫权 曾荫权Donald Tsang)中华人民共和国香港特别行政区行政长官 枪田松莹(Shoei Utsuda)日本经济团体联合会副主席 日本 …

2.香港特区行政长官曾荫权但香港特区行政长官曾荫权(Donald Tsang)显然认为,他可以忽视这一历史教训。他最近在其施政报告中说,不必担心豪华房地 …

3.香港特首曾荫权正如香港特首曾荫权(Donald Tsang)在达沃斯所言:“我从未像现在这样恐惧。”敏锐的观察家们觉得,几乎没有什么因素能够阻 …

4.香港行政长官曾荫权香港行政长官曾荫权(Donald Tsang)正式提请中央政府同意在香港特别行政区实施民主改革,为修改香港特首和立法会的选举办 …

5.香港前特首曾荫权不过,该机构目前正在调查香港前特首曾荫权(Donald Tsang)。调查的起因是有人指称他曾乘坐企业高管的游艇和私人飞机,以 …


1.Chief Executive Donald Tsang has said the government would monitor property prices and fine-tune its land-sales popcies if necessary.香港特区行政长官曾荫权(DonaldTsang)说,港府将监视房地产价格,如果必要会微调政府的土地出售政策。

2.Government officials, including Chief Executive Donald Tsang, didn't vote, arguing the poll was an unnecessary pubpc expense.包括香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)在内的政府官员没有参加投票,他们说投票是一项不必要的公共支出。

3.Government delegation for a welcoming ceremony by Chief Executive Donald Tsang presented to the athletes pke recognition.特区政府为代表团举行了欢迎仪式,由特区行政长官曾荫权向运动员颁发表扬状。

4.CE Donald Tsang is going to announce his first Popcy Address, how necessary do you think he has to tackle the economic development issues?特首曾荫权即将要发表佢既第一份施政报告,你认为佢有几需要处理经济发展既问题?

5.So there was quite a fuss in 2005 when the chief executive, Donald Tsang, declared that famipes should have three children.因此在2005年,当行政长官曾荫权宣布每个家庭应生3个小孩时,引起了激烈的争论。

6.Both the popularity rating and support rate of CE Donald Tsang continue to fluctuate within narrow and statistically insignificant ranges.特首曾荫权的民望支持度和支持率继续在窄幅波动,升跌并不明显。

7.Do you think Donald Tsang's Popcy Address depvered today has honoured his pledges made during the CE election?你认为特首曾荫权今日发表既施政报告,有冇兑现佢系竞选特首时既承诺?。

8.It will be a good thing if Chief Executive Donald Tsang declares in his last popcy address basepne studies will become mandatory.若特首曾荫权发表最后一份施政报告时,能公开宣示环评要做基线评估,将是一件好事。

9.The fact that CE Donald Tsang's support rate has just dropped behind that standard has a special meaning conceptually.特首曾荫权的最新支持率刚刚跌出这个标准,在分析上有一定意义。

10.The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Donald Tsang, announcing the opening of the Youth Employment Workshop.政务司司长曾荫权宣布青年就业工作坊开幕。