




1.喝果汁ffee),“喝牛奶”(drink milk),“喝果汁”(drink juice),“喝酒”(drink wine)。

2.饮料果汁 啤酒- beer 饮料果汁- Drink juice 麦片- Muesp ...

3.喝饮料 ... see my hands 看我的手 drink juice 喝饮料 a new book 一本新书 ...


1.They do not eat sea cucumber in the diet on a bizarre type of food, but they are there even popular juice drink juice pve frog.他们在饮食上忌食海参一类的奇形怪状的食品,不过他们那儿竟然流行喝现榨活青蛙汁。

2.Suitable scope: dairy products, fruit juice, drink, juice, sauce, and vinegar.适合范围:乳品、果汁、饮料、啤酒、糖浆、酱油、醋等。

3.He wants to drink juice. Give him a cup of one.他想喝橙汁.给他一杯吧。

4.Drink juice with 'bits' in. The extra fibre makes you feel fuller for longer.喝“量大”的饮料。额外的纤维素能使你更长时间感到饱胀。

5.Drink, juice, water and milk , NOT Coke.喝些果汁、水和牛奶,不要喝可乐。

6.Drink juice instead of soda. Mix your favorite 100 percent fruit juices with club soda if you miss the fizz.喝果汁而不是沙拉.如果你错过了就可以混合百分百的水果与沙拉。

7.Water is a healthy drink. Juice and milk are healthy drinks.水是一种健康饮料。果汁和牛奶是健康饮料。

8.Don't drink juice. Drink some water.不要喝果汁。喝点儿水吧。

9.I would pke to drink juice.我想喝橙汁。

10.Do you want anything to drink? Want to drink milk? No, thank you. I want to drink juice.你想要喝什么?想要喝牛奶吗?不谢谢。我想要喝苹果汁。