




1.多喝水 8. see a dentist 看牙医 9. drink lots of water 多喝水 10. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 ...

2.喝大量的水 hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 drink lots of water 喝大量的水 eat anything 吃任何东西 ...

3.喝大量水 ... 26.pe down and rest 躺下休息 28.drink lots of water 喝大量水 29.have a toothache 牙痛 ...

4.喝很多水 ... 19. see a dentist 看牙医 20. drink lots of water 喝很多水 21. go to bed 去睡觉 ...

5.多多喝水na Post June 3, 2007 ) 1.多多喝水 (Drink lots of water) 脱水是头痛发生的主因之一;血...

6.喝许多水 ... hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 drink lots of water 喝许多水 go out at night 晚上外出 ...

7.多饮水 ... have a sore throat - 患咽炎/喉咙痛 drink lots of water - 多饮水 take some medicine - 吃点药 ...


1.The first thing that you must do if you are going to throw up is to drink lots of water in a very short amount of time.如果你想要吐出来,首先你要做的是在很短的时间内喝大量的水。

2.Therefore, must be reasonable nutrition, diet and restrained, to avoid hunger or fullness, or one-time drink lots of water.因此,必须合理营养,饮食有节,避免过饱或过饥或一次性大量饮水。

3.Eat fresh vegetables. Drink lots of water and meditate or practice yoga to repeve these toxic emotions of temper and stressful mood swings.吃新鲜蔬菜,&足够的水,默想或者练习瑜珈可以缓解这些有毒情感和导致压力的情感波动。

4.The last, but not least, important pillar of good health is to drink lots of water.健康的最重要的支柱是喝很多水,但这不是最终的。

5.Drink lots of water and meditate or practice yoga to repeve these toxic emotions of temper and violent mood swings.喝很多水、冥想或者做瑜伽可以缓解这些负面情绪和暴力倾向。

6.Eat a protein-rich breakfast, drink lots of water and try eating an apple when your energy level starts to drop.吃一顿蛋白质含量丰富的早餐,喝大量的水,还有在你能量开始下降的时候吃一个苹果。

7.If I drink lots of water as the bull eats lots of grass I will be big.如果我喝的水、吃的草与公牛一样多,那我将会变得强壮

8.Seventeen errors: during exercise, drink lots of water when thirsty, drink, or dry mouth endured.误区十七:运动过程中,口渴时大量饮水或口干舌燥忍着不喝。

9.Drink lots of water during your meals and head for the water faucet whenever cravings strike.用餐时大量喝水,并且每当想吃东西时,就到水龙头那儿喝水吧。

10.have a cold have a sore back have a sore throat pe down and rest see a dentist drink lots of water hot tea with honey I think so.感冒背痛咽喉痛躺下休息看牙医多喝水加蜂蜜的热茶我认为如此。我认为如此。