




1.喝牛奶ea),“喝咖啡”(drink coffee),“喝牛奶”(drink milk),“喝果汁”(drink juice),“喝酒”(drink wine)。

2.喝奶 Dental Care 牙齿护理 Drink Milk 喝奶 Ear Care 耳朵护理 ...

3.喝牛奶饮料 ... 最后,吃了它。 Finally,we eat it. 喝牛奶饮料Drink milk. 把牛奶倒进果汁机里。 Put milk into the juice machine. ...


1.Milk is one of the primary sources of vitamin D for most kids, and it has been a growing trend for kids to not drink milk each day.对于大多数儿童而言,牛奶是维他命D的主要来源,现在不喝牛奶的孩子日趋增多。

2.Zuguang husband always remember the day his wife sent her in the fire of drink milk in the message, "do not know that she did not eat soy? "祖光的丈夫时刻记得妻子在火灾当天给她发的想喝豆浆的短信,“不知道她吃到豆浆没有?”

3.In addition, experts remind you not expectant mother a year, pregnant women should began to drink milk powder.另外,专家提醒各位未准妈妈,孕前一年就应该开始喝孕妇奶粉。

4.Easy to get angry because their children to drink milk, milk, Hua Chang, kids are prone to diarrhea, milk, also carry a variety of bacteria.容易生气,因为他们的孩子喝牛奶,牛奶,华喳嗯,孩子容易腹泻,牛奶,还带有大量病菌。

5.The five-year-old son looked at me blankly : We have to move it, why do not even drink milk, and I do not want to understand how?五岁的儿子满脸茫然地看着我:我们搬家吧,为什么连牛奶都不能喝了,我怎么就想不明白?

6.I surf the internet 3 times a week. I have good pving habit. I do exercise everyday, drink milk every night before going to bed.我一周上网3次,我的生活习惯很好,我每天都要锻炼,每晚睡觉之前我都会喝牛奶。

7.When Sally goes to bed, Betsy wants to stay up and drink milk.当萨利要上床睡觉的时候,贝茜却不想睡觉,她要喝牛奶;

8.Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and smoke just one cigar a day.到安静的乡间去住上一个月,早睡、饮奶、多散步,一天限吸一枝雪茄。

9.Though children were able to drink milk, they typically developed lactose intolerance as they grew up.虽然小孩喝牛奶没有问题,但在长大后他们通常都会产生乳糖不耐受。

10.Drink milk powder, SanLu waist sour, leg pain, connect the heart also not to jump!喝了三鹿奶粉,腰不酸,腿不痛了,连心脏也不跳了耶!