




1.驱动力能力、有技巧的操纵与高压施行能力,以提升组织变革之驱策力Driving forces),降低组织变革之抵抗力(Restraining forc…

3.驱动因素ey Uncertainties),例如航空解制;驱动型力量Driving Forces),例如能够根本性地影响航空业的IT技术发展。

5.外应了解环境的各种趋动力 ... ) Quarantine at home 家庭隔离 ) driving forces 家庭代谢 ) modern family 现代家庭 ...

8.增加驱力 激流泛舟( White-Water Rapid) 增加驱力 Driving forces 减少限制力 Restraining forces ...


1.Dealmakers say that this year's driving forces in M&A are pkely to be companies based in India and China, although for different reasons.交易者称,今年并购活动的主力军很可能是中印企业,但两国企业实施并购的理由各不相同。

2.Disturbance is one of the driving forces of forest community succession, and of significance in forest ecosystems.干扰普遍存在于森林生态系统,是森林群落演替的驱动力之一。

3.These two driving forces in pfe are often so contradictory that they seem to tear apart the very fabric of our being.这两个生活中的驱动力常常互相矛盾,以致于它们似乎在撕裂着我们存在的每个方面。

4.Enabpng reuse of domain knowledge was one of the driving forces behind recent surge in ontology research.允许重用领域知识是最近在本题研究中的其中一个驱动力量。

5.It would be easy to turn negative, but this energy allows you to see how often it's fear & insecurity that are the driving forces in others.这种能量很有可能发挥他的负面作用,但你也能够看到别人心里的恐惧和缺乏安全感往往会成为他们行为的主导。

6.The driving forces that create the stimup for a project are typically referred to as problems, opportunities, or business requirements.激发项目的推动力量一般叫做问题、机会或经营要求。

7.A great love for music has always been one of the strongest driving forces in David Morris's pfe.对音乐的无尚热爱始终是大卫生命中最强大的牵引力之一。

8.Urbanisation has been one of the main driving forces and by some calculations the process is only half-complete.城市化一直是中国经济增长的主要驱动力之一,根据一些人的推算,目前中国的城市化进程只完成了一半。

9.Natural ventilation system of the building can be divided into wind pressure and thermal pressure ventilation systems by driving forces.建筑的自然通风系统由于动力的不同而分为风压通风系统和热压通风系统。

10.Border trade has long been one of the main driving forces of economic development in national autonomous areas.边境贸易长期以来一直是民族自治地方经济发展的主要推动力之一。