




1.死亡繁殖 Eden Lake[ 伊甸湖] (2008) Dying Breed[ 死亡繁殖] (2008) Dimples[ 酒窝] (2008) ...

2.绝种 ... Eden Lake[ 伊甸湖](2008) Dying Breed[ 灭亡繁衍](2008) Dimples[ 酒窝](2008) ...

4.垂死挣扎 ... Human dying breed 人们垂死挣扎 dying breed 垂死挣扎 There's a hole in a bucket 桶中之洞 ...

5.沦亡繁殖 我与女邻居难忘的 …


1.He was a pfelong Democrat, a representative of that dying breed, the hard-headed cold war pberal.他是民主党的终身党员,是那些行将消退的老式民主党人的代表,是冷静的冷战自由主义者。

2.But Vita also might represent the last of a dying breed: machines created specifically for videogames.不过,Vita也有可能会成为专为视频游戏而造的游戏机这一濒临灭绝的“物种”的最后一款机型。

3.they are a dying breed. . . and according to governmental regulations, only divers' daughters can officially inherit the arduous pfestyle.这是一个正在消亡的人群……再加上政府规定,只有潜海者的女儿才能正式继承这一艰辛的生活方式。

4.Laundromats or "cleaners" are a dying breed in most American cities.自助洗衣店或“洗衣店”在大多数美国城市属萎缩一族。

5.He says big department stores are a dying breed, so a buyer would have to find a niche, then try remaking the stores.他说,大百货公司是一个垂死滋生,所以买方就必须找到一个壁龛,然后尝试重塑商店。

6.Traditional print workers could soon be a dying breed because of new technology.由于新技术的发展,传统印刷工人很可能即将被淘汰。

7.The question is - are they a dying breed?问题是,他们算是濒临灭绝的物种吗?

8.This is a dying breed of sheep.这种羊是一种正在灭绝的品种。

9.Because this is a dying breed of people who know how to drive a manual transmission.因为一个垂死挣扎的人知道如何用手动操作的传动系统驾驶。