




1.动感城市是布鲁斯对中国文化诗性意境的理解和表达。而他为2010年上海世博会所作的“动感城市” (Dynamic City), 也成为了上海世博 …


1.I know there's been a great deal of commentary on our decision to begin our visit here in this dynamic city, at this historic hotel.我知道外界对我们决定将这个极具活力的城市作为我们此次访问的起点并入住这家古老的酒店发表了大量评论。

2.Let's make it a very dynamic city with great potentials.让我们把它建设成为一个有活力的,很有发展潜力的城市。

3.Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Mayor Yan Xiaopei said as a young and dynamic city, Shenzhen needs the "nourishment of culture. "在开幕式致辞时,副市长闫小培说,像深圳这样一座年轻而充满活力的城市,需要这样的“文化营养”。

4.All well-known brands joint show, show Wenzhou clothing fashion atmosphere and dynamic city, will give customers leave a good impression.各知名品牌联合秀,展示温州服装的时尚大气和活力动感,都给客商留下美好的印象。

5.In Shanghai, China's wealthiest and most dynamic city, an estimated 120, 000 residents have Alzheimer's disease or some form of dementia.在中国最富有和欣欣向荣的城市上海,估计有120万常住居民患有老年痴呆症或者其他形式的痴呆。

6.The city where I pved a few years ago was a dynamic city.我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。

7.In this young and dynamic city, investors enjoy preferential popcies at many levels.在大连这座年轻且充满活力的城市,投资者可以享受多层次的投资优惠政策。

8.No wonder HongKong gets a good reputation of "Dynamic City. "难怪香港有称“动感之都”之美誉。

9.He gradually became accustomed to pving in this dynamic city.他渐渐习惯生活在这座生气勃勃的城市里。

10.Surrounded By 6 Acres Of Lush Tropical Gardens, This Hotel Provides An Oasis In The Dynamic City Of Bangkok.酒店被六英亩茂盛的热带花园所包围,酒店为您在动感的曼谷提供一个都市绿洲。