




1.皮层脑电图皮层脑电图ECoG)的技术基础和脑电图的相似,但是其电极直接植入到大脑皮层上,硬脑膜下的区域。基于“光反应成像”的 …


3.皮层电图皮层电图(ECoG) 皮质脑电图 头皮脑电图 脑皮层电图 补充资料:电单位的绝对测定 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于 …

4.东部肿瘤协作组(Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group)在东部肿瘤协作组ECOG)中,评价大剂量的MMC(20mg/m2),每4周一次,连用6周。在24例初治的患者中,有42%有效。

5.脑皮层电图脑电图(EEG)和脑皮层电图(ECoG) 大脑皮层包含很多神经元, 这些神经元活动在某种程度上表现为同步发出的有规律的放电节 …

6.皮层电极  以痫灶为中心行骨瓣开颅后,首先用皮层电极ECoG)探查痫灶范围,对于远离功能区的器质性病变予以切除。MST最初仅限 …


1.Doctors have been using ECoG since the 1950s to figure out which area of the brain is causing seizures in people with severe epilepsy.自1950年开始,医生便开始利用ECoG来研究剧烈的癫痫病发作是由大脑的哪一部分引起的。

2.He took part in the experiment while doctors were using ECoG to find the source of his seizures.他参加试验时医生正通过ECoG寻找疾病发作的源头。

3.Like all volunteers in ECoG experiments so far, this patient has severe epilepsy.就像目前在ECoG试验中所有的志愿者一样,这个病人也患有很严重的癫痫。

4.Then, BP features were used for feature extraction of 11 channels ECoG, and feature vectors of 22 dimensions were got.然后,采用采用频带能量对11导皮层脑电图进行特征提取,得到22维的特征矢量;

5.In one experiment, he says, the ECoG system tried to recognize several dozen unspoken words in the minds of volunteers.他声称在一项实验中,他尝试用ECoG系统识别若干志愿者心中说的单词。

6.A typical Electrocorticography (ECoG) based invasive BCI system was off-pne analyzed in this paper.对一个典型的采用皮层脑电图的植入式脑-机接口系统进行了离线分析。

7.ECoG is also reveapng things about how the brain creates speech.同时ECoG也显示了大脑是如何创造话语的。

8.Conclusion: 1. The use of ECoG monitoring in the resection of the ICL can reduce the incidence of postoperative epilepsy significantly. 2.结论:1。皮层脑电监护下切除颅内病变可以明显降低术后癫痫发生率;

9.So, he says, it should be possible to use ECoG to eavesdrop on that inner voice and decode what we're thinking.所以,他说,有可能我们能利用ECoG来窃听这个声音并破译出我们在想什么。

10.Bionic arms are just one potential use for ECoG.仿生手臂紧紧是ECoG软件的一项潜在应用。