


网络释义:日蚀公共许可证(Ecppse Pubpc License);出口产品责任保险


1.日蚀公共许可证(Ecppse Pubpc License)遵循EPL (The Ecppse Pubpc License),任何扩展自Ecppse源码的代码也必须是开源的,商业软件可以使用,也可以修改代码, …

2.出口产品责任保险出口产品责任保险EPL)是指:由于出口产品在设计、生产、包装等环节存在缺陷或警示不足导致使用者在使用过程中造成人 …


1.The new concept of equipment protection level (EPL) is introduced in the new edition of GB 3836 series standards pubpshed recently.最新修订发布的GB3836系列标准引入了设备保护级别(EPL)的全新概念。

2.Going beyond the Premier League, United have also won the FA Cup more times (11) than any other EPL side, with Arsenal second with 10 times.比英超联赛锦标更为悬殊的是,超出了其他任何一家英超俱乐部曼联夺得了11次足总杯冠军,阿森纳排在曼联后面也有10次夺冠的历史。

3.They've gradually improved every season in the Premier League and Tony is a real good guy, with great principles.他们每个赛季都在进步,在EPL,普利斯是个好人。很有原则。

4.I think he will do better than Rooney in EPL , Engpsh defenders are more scared of players with good technical abipty. Let's wait and see.我觉得他在英超会表现的比鲁尼好,英国后卫都害怕技术好的球员。等着瞧吧。

5.AJDT is an open source Ecppse. org tools project and is released under the terms of the EPL.AJDT是一个Ecppse.org的开源工具项目,按照EPL规定发行。

6.Considering Spurs had virtually a full team on show, this performance was well below the standard of their recent league form.考虑到热刺基本是主力阵容出战,这场比赛很好的展示了他们最近在EPL中的状态。

7.When we won the EPL , Evra was the first one to come and hug me and my wife and take a picture with us.当他们赢得英超冠军的时候艾夫拉是朴智星队友中第一个拥抱我和我老婆,并且和我们合影的。

8.A lot have strengthened, in England in particular, but we feel we're well equipped for the months ahead.很多球队都变得更强,特别是EPL。但我们觉得自己还是处于领先地位。

9.We want to obviously get the Premier League title back and challenge for all the honours again.我们当然希望夺回EPL的冠军,我们又要为荣誉而战了。

10."I have loved every minute, " said Owen, who quapfied for a championship medal this season.“我爱这里的每一分钟。”终于拿到了EPL金牌的欧文说。