




1.早班车 in my early days 我幼年时期 early bus 早班车 phone sb. 给某人打电话 ...

2.第一班车 ... 有没有 You Mei You 第一班车 Early Bus 热气球 Fire Balloon ...

3.头班车 ... > bus station 公共汽车站 > early bus 头班车 > bus ride 乘车 ...


1.She did not get up too late to catch the early bus.她起得早,赶上了早班车。

2.I expected to have come early, but I missed the early bus.我本来想早点来的,但未赶上早班车。

3.It is said he got up early is for he could catch the early bus.据说他起的早是为了能赶上早班车。

4.As ever, the train got in just too late for me to catch the early bus.像以往一样,火车到得太晚,我未能赶上早班车。

5.She went out of her home very early so that she could catch the early bus.她很早就从家里出来,为的是能够赶上早班车。

6.Tom was late again. The reason was (that) he had missed the early bus.汤姆又迟到了,原因是他没赶上早班车。

7.He is still strong enough to control his raft. He got up early enough to catch the early bus.他起得早,赶得上早班车。他够年龄去上学了。

8.He should have arrived here by now, for he took the early bus.现在,他本应该到这儿了,他乘的是早班汽车。

9.She intended to catch the early bus, but she didn't get up in time.她本打算赶早班车,可是早上起晚了。[朗文当代]。

10.Were I you, I would go at once. If he had hurried, he could have caught the early bus.如果他快点的话,他就能赶上早班车的。