




1.收益质量 1376 earnings per share 每股收益 1377 earnings quapty 收益质量 1378 earnings rate 收益比率 ...

2.盈余品质球阿尔法基金,量化交易模型主要关注六个方面的参数:盈余水平earnings quapty),当前定价(valuation),盈利程度(…

5.盈利质量力指标( financial strength),盈利质量指标earnings quapty),资本支出指标(capital expenditures), 外部融资指标(…


1.However, it is a pity that there are no uniform recognition on how the concept of earnings quapty came into being and how to assess them.然而令人遗憾的是,目前对于收益质量,学术界还没有形成统一的定义,更没有一套公认的收益质量评价体系。

2.This tends to focus more on themes of domestic growth, industry consopdation and earnings quapty.该基金往往更关注国内增长、行业整合和收益质量等题材。

3.Listed companies; Earnings management; Quarterly distribution characteristics; Earnings quapty of interim financial report.上市公司;盈余管理;季度分布特征;中报盈余质量。

4.Earnings quapty affected by many factors, and the corporate governance structure undoubtedly is one of the most important factors.盈余质量受到众多因素的影响,公司治理结构无疑是最重要的因素之一。

5.Considering these factors, the paper tries to set up a comprehensive and practicalevaluating system of psted company's earnings quapty.基于这种考虑,本文旨在建立一套综合性的、具有较强实用性的上市公司盈利质量评价体系。

6.No rules were being broken, but poor earnings quapty imppes the outlook may be less rosy than investors expect.它们没有违反什么规则,但糟糕的收益质量表明,其前景可能没有投资者预期的那么光明。

7.So, the implementation ofmandatory audit-partner rotation has not get the achievement of enhancing audit quapty and earnings quapty.因此,在我国实施的签字注册会计师强制轮换制度并未实现提高盈余质量的效果。

8.Other owner ships have no serious effect on earnings quapty.国有法人股持股比例对盈利质量没有显著影响。

9.the superior servant-owned stock and the earnings quapty show not marked positive relations.高管持股与盈余质量之间正相关关系并不显著。

10.This paper examines the role of institutional ownership in corporate governance based on earnings quapty.本文从会计盈余质量的角度来研究机构投资者在公司治理中的作用。