




1.东亚共同体 东亚经济共同体East Asia Community) 太平洋自由贸易区( Pacific Asia Free Trade, PA…

3.东亚社区两国能在10+3的框架内达成良好的工作关系,一个"东业共同体"(East Asia community)才有了坚实的基础。


1.I suggested founding of the East Asia Community in the pght of EN.我向他提议,可以根据欧盟的形式,建立一个东亚共同体。

2.It is necessary to carry out concrete cooperation in all the fields and march towards an East Asia Community.现在的问题是如何切实开展各领域合作,向“东亚共同体”迈进。

3.Japan's leader has also repeatedly discussed the idea of creating an 'East Asia' community modeled after the European Community.他还曾多次谈到按欧共体模式建立“东亚共同体”的想法。

4.Now my party, the Democratic Party of Japan advocates an East-Asia community.就日本方面而言,日本民主党支持建立东亚共同体。

5.Japan has proposed turning the East Asia Summit into an East Asia Community.日本提议把东亚峰会转变为“东亚共同体”(EastAsiaCommunity)。

6.Japan's View of the Order in East Asia and the Proposition of "East Asia Community"日本的东亚秩序观与“东亚共同体”构想

7.East Asia Community has been put on agenda based on the systematic reason of East Asian financial crisis.基于东亚金融危机的体制性原因,东亚一体化提上了议事日程,应该说,这是区域合作的政治构想。

8.Mazu Culture: the Important Spiritual Resource of Estabpshing East Asia Community妈祖文化:建构东亚共同体的重要精神资源

9.The Understanding, Act and Comments of Japanese Authority on East Asia Community日本官方有关东亚共同体的认识、行为及其评述

10.Investment Cooperation Is a Pillar to Construct East Asia Community投资合作是构建东亚共同体的支柱