




1.爱丁堡艺术节市文化局与当时台中市长胡志强,寄望让台中成为亚洲的爱丁堡嘉年华Edinburgh Festival),进而从开始举办的台中文化 …


7.爱丁堡戏剧节特拉福重新创作,将之改写为「鸳鸯配」,先於苏格兰的爱丁堡戏剧节(Edinburgh Festival)首演,随后於伦敦西区演出,并於…


1.This unique clock, made entirely of growing flowers, is always in full bloom during the Edinburgh Festival.这种独特的时钟,使完全成长的花朵,是永远盛开在爱丁堡艺术节。

2.Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinburgh Festival.每一年,成千上万的人来到苏格兰的首都爱丁堡参加爱丁堡的节日。

3.Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to see the Edinburgh Festival.每年,成千上万的人来到爱丁堡,苏格兰的首都(其实也不能算首都,因为苏格兰现在也是英国的一部分),来看爱丁堡节。

4.Each year in late summer, a great variety of plays is offered during the few weeks of the famous Edinburgh Festival in Scotland.每年夏末短短的几个星期里,苏格兰著名的爱丁堡戏剧节会上演许多不同的剧目。

5.We made great merry with my prize, which fired off a couple of dozen charges that would not have disgraced the Edinburgh Festival.我的战利品给大伙带来了极大的欢乐,它一连喷出了几十发焰火,即使拿到爱丁堡艺术节上燃放也毫不逊色。

6.We met, the Scotsman and I, one summer at the Edinburgh Festival.在爱丁堡艺术节的一个夏天,我与那个苏格兰人相遇了。

7.They first appeared on stage together in 1980 at the Edinburgh Festival, along with future actress and Oscar winning writer Emma Thompson.在1980年的爱丁堡节日他们第一次一起登台演出,还有未来的女演员和奥斯卡奖获得者作家艾玛.沃森。

8.The annual Edinburgh Festival Fringe of course!这就是一年一度的爱丁堡边缘艺术节!

9.They now boast a string of international awards, and have performed at the Edinburgh festival since 2007.如今让他们引以为豪的是获得一连串的国际奖项,以及自2007年开始在爱丁堡艺术节中演出。

10.Edinburgh Festival Booking Office. Can I help you?爱丁堡音乐节登记处。需要我为您帮忙吗?