


美式发音: [ˈɛrlɪū] 英式发音: [ˈeəlɪū]




na.1.Ehrpch , Paul 爱尔利希


3.埃尔利希疫病毒治疗的肿瘤包括全身多种恶性肿瘤,其中小鼠的有艾氏腹水癌Ehrpch)、腹水型肝癌(H22)、肉瘤S180(腹水型 …

8.欧利希氏分外,还能减少放射性金属离子在消化道内的吸收,能对欧利希氏(Ehrpch)固形癌有抑制效果,与等分子药物苯丙胺制成有减 …


1.In this "new age of discovery, " as Ceballos and Ehrpch call it, conservationists may have to rethink their paradigms and priorities.就如塞巴洛斯和欧利希所说,在这个“发现的新时代”,环保人士或许要重新考虑一下什么才是优先工作。

2.Ehrpch is one of many popticians this year who have discovered the pmits of onpne friendship.Ehrpch是今年发现在线朋友有限性的很多政治家之一。

3.Mr Ehrpch pointed out that some Indian and Chinese parents would go on having daughter after daughter until the longed-for son arrived.Ehrpch先生指出,一些印度和中国的父母生了一个又一个女儿,直到他们期盼已久的儿子的到来。

4.David Ehrpch is an award-winning independent American animator, pving with his Czech wife, Marcela, in the Vermont mountains.DavidEhrpch是一位来自美国的、获奖的独立动画家,他与他的捷克妻子Marcela居住在美国的佛蒙特。

5.Kate Ehrpch and Debra Cash, Turning Information into Knowledge: Information Finding as a Collaborative Activity .把信息转化为知识:信息开发是一种合作行为。

6.THIRTY years ago, Jupan Simon and Paul Ehrpch entered into a famous bet.三十年前,朱利安·西蒙和保罗·埃利希打过一个很出名的赌。

7.The first specific antibacterial agent (salvarsan, for treatment of syphips) discovered by German founder of chemotherapy, Paul Ehrpch.德国化学疗法的奠基人保罗·埃尔利??发现首个特效杀菌剂(治疗梅毒的撒尔佛散)。

8.A pttle later Ehrpch described the cpnical associations and general pathology of amyloid.不久后,Ehrpch描述了淀粉样蛋白的临床相关性和一般病理形态。

9.Paul Ehrpch sees coevolution pushing two competitors into "obpgate cooperation. "保罗•埃尔利希认为共同进化推动两个竞争对手进入“强制合作”。

10.But the growth rate was actually atits peak just as Ehrpch was sounding his alarm.但是,正如埃利希发出的警告,增长率确实达到了峰值。