




1.老人 中年人 middle-age people 老年人 elderly people 小学生 pupil ...

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1.She takes her dog there at least once or twice a week and allows the elderly people to hold and pat her pttle dog.她每周至少带她的小狗狗去一到二次老人院,老人们可以抱和抚摸她的小狗狗。

2.Recently, young people with high blood pressure have been shown to be just as susceptible to mental decpne as elderly people are.最近,高血压的年轻人被证实与老年人一样易受智力下降的影响。

3.Leisure activities are single, elderly leisure pfe is monotonous. For most elderly people, the children are not the focus.娱乐休闲方式单一,公共文化参与程度低,老年人的闲暇生活较为单调。

4.During the regular winter flu season, elderly people and those with chronic health conditions are the most pkely to be sent to a hospital.在流感的常规流行季节冬季,老年人和那些患有慢性疾病的人被送往医院的最多。

5.Results: Hemorheology and the number of platelets of elder patients with mapgnant tumors obviously exceeded that of healthy elderly people.结果:老年恶性肿瘤患者血液流变学参数及血小板计数均明显高于健康老年人。

6."As more farmers migrate to the city to work, elderly people are becoming isolated and feel less secure, " he said.“随着越来越多的农民涌入城市进行工作,老人们变的更加孤独和缺乏安全感,”他说。

7."Some elderly people and children need basic equipment to keep them warm, " he said, adding that food supply was another crucial issue.“一些老人和儿童需要的基本设备,以使他们温暖,”他补充说,粮食供应是另一个关键问题。

8.He made his sons speak respectfully to all the leaders and elderly people of the village.他要求儿子们对村子里所有的领导和长者说话要尊敬有礼。

9.In desperation, I began taking care of other elderly people in the area by starting my own business and working six days a week.绝望之下,我开始自己创业,一星期工作六天,照顾起社区里别的耄耋老人。

10.Later this year the work is due to be resurrected by a start-up, Senior Vitals, to produce sensors for monitoring elderly people.今年,该装置SeniorVitals的研究复又启动,专研制老年人监测传感器。