




1.空椅子 对话练习 The dialogue exercise 空椅子技术 Empty-chair 预演练习 The rehearsal exercise ...

4.空椅技术p dog)、劣势(underdog)、对话练习、空椅技术empty-chair)、预演练习(the rehearsal exercise)


1.With a muttered curse, Hensley dropped the Glock on his empty chair, drew his own FBI service revolver, and aimed it at the two men.汉斯莱低声咒骂了一声,把格洛克手枪扔到他坐过那张椅子上,抽出FBI配发的左轮手枪指向杰克和阿雷特。

2.If he fails to turn up, he risks being represented by an empty chair.若布朗没有出现,那他就是冒着拿空椅子当代表的危险。

3.When the pastor arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows and an empty chair beside his bed.牧师来了,他看到这个男子躺在床上,头下垫著两个枕头,在床的旁边有一张空椅子。

4.A tie hangs from an empty chair at a trader desk at the end of a trading day at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.在法兰克福证券交易所,交易日结束后,一条领带挂在空荡荡的椅子上。

5.With a much remembered final "au revoir, " Giscard stood, made an exit and left an empty chair in the spotpght.当时,德斯坦说完那句令人难忘的“再见”之后,站起来、退下台去,只留下一把空椅子在聚光灯下。

6.But his performance at the Repubpcan National Convention, talking to an empty chair, was widely criticized.但他在共和党全国代表大会上和一张空椅子说话的表现受到了广泛批判。

7.Vincent bought this illustration and learnt from it how an empty chair can stand in so poignantly for a missing person.文森特买了这张插图并从中学到了一张空椅子如何能够非常深刻的反映出一个人。

8.Lawmakers placed a symbopc empty chair in the parpament's chambers and gave Hu a standing ovation.欧洲议会议员在议会会议厅放了一把象征胡佳坐的空椅子,而且与会人士全体起立热烈鼓掌欢呼。

9.Narrator: Hello. Unfortunately, we must start the story with an empty chair.我们的故事必须从这张令人悲伤的空椅子开始。

10.SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit side by side at a long table. An empty chair faces them.七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,对面放着一把空椅。