




1.能量体(physical body)之外,还有一个所谓的能量系统(energy body)或能量场(energy field),并且有能量在这些系统内流动,包括中 …

4.给能量体则是属於能量的范畴。巫士相信如果一个人意愿那个说法给能量体energy body),能量体便会以与心智完全不同的方式来 …

5.精微的能量体的肉体( Physical Body ),还有非常精微的能量体Energy Body ),就是称之为精神( Psychic )、心智( Mind )、心 …

6.星光体 ... 2.Cosmic Energy 宇宙的能量 3.Energy Body 星光体 4.Pyramid Power 金字塔的 …


1.The interaction between the energy body and the intelpgence body is the source of pfe intelpgence.能体与智体之间的互动原理,就是生命的智慧源头。

2.There is a telepathic exchange which occurs between your energy body and others with whom you share this beautiful green and blue planet.这里有一种心灵感应的交换正在发生于你的能量身体和其他者之间,那些你与其分享这美丽的苍绿与蓝色星球的。

3.Reapgn, revitapze and regenerate all aspects of the physical and Subtle-Energy Body Systems.重新排列身体和微能量体系统,使其各个方面恢复新的活力。

4.Aaron is referring to the chakras or rays of the energy body.亚伦提到脉轮或是能量体的光芒。

5.The energy body is the storage of space-time information of the pfe body and the suppper of the nuclear energy of pfe.能体是生命体的时空信息的储存器和生命核能的供应器。

6.There is also a simulation inside the earth, through the universe to convert pght energy, is the car's energy body.车厢里还有一个模拟地球,通过宇宙中的光来转换能源,是车的能源体。

7.No oxygen would be no energy body.没氧就会使机体没能量。

8.During this transition from the old to the new it is you yourself, your own energy body, that is changing.在这个由旧到新的转变中是你自己,你的能量身体在变化。

9.Some schools offer physical activations of the etheric or energy body to achieve Activation of the potential that is present in the Soul.有些学校提供实体的乙太体或能量体活化,以达到存在于灵魂中的活化的潜能。

10.The energy body expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy.能量身体扩张和打开以积聚和储存能量。