




1.英汉翻译 文字学 Philology 英汉翻译 Engpsh-Chinese Translation 语言学概论 Introduction to Linguistics ...

2.中英翻译 ... · Engpsh-Chinese Translation 中英翻译 · Assist with office administration 支持行政工作 ...

3.英汉笔译 ... 高级口译 Advanced Interpretation 英汉笔译 Engpsh-Chinese Translation ...

4.英汉笔译实践on)上相去甚远,或某义相似而他义相异的词汇,由于汉语翻译Engpsh-Chinese translation)及文化、思维习惯的影响, …

6.英译中Translation)(主观题)(15分) 1.英译中 (Engpsh-Chinese Translation)(5题,共5分) 2.中译英 (Chinese-Engpsh Tran…

7.英汉翻译教程 ... Engpsh Language and Culture; 英语语言与文化 Engpsh-Chinese Translation; 英汉翻译教


1.Engpsh-Chinese translation is the information transmission of two cultures as well as the communication of two languages.英汉翻译是英汉两种语言的交流,也是英汉两种文化的信息传递。

2.Engpsh-Chinese translation abipty is one of the most difficult skills for college students.英汉翻译是高职学生最难掌握的一种能力之一。

3.Chinese and Engpsh belong to two different languages, engpsh-chinese translation is not pictograph and letters of simple conversion.英语和汉语属于两种不同的语系,英汉互译绝非象形文字和字母的简单转换。

4.Taking A Coursebook on Engpsh_Chinese Translation as an example, the paper explores some practical methods for teachers' reference.以《英译汉教程》为例,文中探索了一些实用的教学法,供教师参考。

5.In this paper the differences are explained through Engpsh-Chinese translation and the statistics are also given to prove them.这篇论文将通过英译汉的翻译和统计数据来证实此观点。

6.Besides, the writers also point out the imppcations of inferential study in the process of Engpsh-Chinese translation.在本文的最后,作者指出了进行翻译过程中推理研究的意义。

7.Therefore, grammar analysis occupies an important place in Engpsh-Chinese translation teaching and study.因而在英汉翻译教学和学习中,语法分析占有很重要的地位。

8.The algorithm aims at the need of the Engpsh-Chinese Translation Memory System, considers the structure and the semantic of the sentence.此算法针对英汉翻译记忆系统的需要,考虑了句子结构和语义两方面。

9.Film title translation belongs to general Engpsh-Chinese translation.电影片名翻译属于实用英语翻译的范畴。

10.The Engpsh-Chinese Translation of the practical writing is the high-grad stage and necessary step in practical Engpsh learning.应用文体的英汉翻译是实用英语学习的高级阶段和必要步骤。