




1.英国法 energy wastage 浪费能源 Engpsh law 英国法律 entrepot 转口港 ...

3.英吉利法 罗马法系 Roman law system 英吉利法 Engpsh law 衡平法 equity;law of equity ...

4.英格兰法法律专业知识的话,那它不应称作法律英语,而应称为“英语法律”(Engpsh law),即用英语来讲授有关的法律专业课程,学生通过这 …


1.At Engpsh law, a company will be deemed to be within the jurisdiction if it has a place of business here.公司如果它有营业场所这里,在英国法律的,公司将被视为是在司法之内。

2.It has long been a principle of Engpsh law that new colonies were of two categories: conquered colonies or settled colonies.长久以来英国法律有一条原则,新殖民地分为两类:被征服的殖民地和因定居而形成的殖民地。

3.UK has a long and unique history of law. Engpsh law and its spirit have spread all over the world with its early development of economy.英国有着非常悠久和独特的法律体系,英国法律随着其早期经济的发展,在全球广为传播。

4.This Agreement and the documents to be entered into pursuant to it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Engpsh law.这个协议和文件将要进入其中,并针对英国法律进行管理和解析。

5.This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Engpsh Law without recourse to its confpct of laws principles.这契约将被统治被而且符合对它的法律原则的冲突的没有依赖的英文法律解释。

6.It has been suggested that, prior to the Union, parpamentary sovereignty was a principle only of Engpsh law, not of Scottish law.据认为,在联合前,议会主权只是英格兰法律中的原则,而未现于苏格兰法。

7.The offense under Engpsh law of appeapng to or obeying a foreign court or authority, thus challenging the supremacy of the Crown.蔑视王权罪英国法律中因求助于或遵从于外国法庭或权威而冒犯国王统治权所构成的违法行为

8.Engpsh Law prohibits a man from marrying his mother-in-law. This is our idea of useless legislation.英国法律禁止一个男子娶自己的丈母娘为妻。什么是无用的立法呢?这就是一个标本。

9.Engpsh law is much more complex, and is based on intricate precedents and judges' discretion that cannot simply be looked up and appped.英国法律是非常复杂的,而且以错综复杂的惯例和法官的酌处权为基础,而这些不能够被简单地查出和应用。

10.Engpsh law generally requires that the parties to an action should be only those having rights to the cargo.而英国法例是要求申诉人必须是该货物所有者,才能做出追偿诉讼请求。