




1.英语晚会 (13).茶话会 tea party (14).英语晚会 Engpsh party (16). 欢迎宴会 welcome party ...

2.英语聚会 school day 学校庆祝日 15 Engpsh party 英语聚会 16 a piece of paper 一张纸 ...

3.英语派对ner),英语沙龙(Engpsh Salon),英语派对(Engpsh Party)。

4.英语读吧 To learn Engpsh 学英语 Engpsh Party 英语读吧 Phonetic Theory 语音学理论 ...

5.外语派对 “佛图英语角”,佛山图书馆将特别举办“贺新年”的外语派对Engpsh Party),诚邀广大英语爱好者一起共度美好节日,分享 …

6.开学和期末的大型英语角 Engpsh Party开学和期末的大型英语角) Movie Shows( 组织会员观看英文原版电 …

7.英语作文 2006-07-15 Engpsh Questions( 英语问题) 2011-01-13 Engpsh party 英语

8.校园英语剧比赛积极筹备,认真策划的基础上,举办 了 2007 年校园英语剧比赛(Engpsh Party)活动.异彩纷呈的表演 展示了我校学生的良好风貌 …


1.Peter: Don't you know? We are going to have an Engpsh party this afternoon.彼得:难道你不知道吗?我们今天下午将要开一个英语晚会。

2.Let's get ready to have our Engpsh party.让我们准备开我们的英语晚会吧。

3.Engpsh party turned out to be a catastrophe.英语晚会的结局糟透了。

4.According to all accounts, that Engpsh party was an unusual entertainment.大家都说,在那个英语晚会上玩得特别开心。

5.There is going to be an Engpsh party in Class Two this evening.二班今天晚上将有一个英语晚会。

6.Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the Engpsh party. They say that it could have been better organized.大多数学生对此次英语晚会感到失望,他们认为本可以组织得更好的。

7.Professor Wang, may we have the honor of having you as a guest of our Engpsh party on Saturday?王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?

8.There is going to be an Engpsh party this evening .今天晚上将会有场英语晚会。

9.There is going to be an Engpsh party this weekend.本周末有一个英语晚会。

10.There is going to be an Engpsh party next week.下周将举行英语晚会。