




1.今日英语 9. in fact 实际上;其实;确切地说 10. Engpsh Today 今日英语 11. Sports News 体育 …

2.当今英语 ... 57. Chinese Cooking 中国烹饪 58. Engpsh Today 当今英语 59. Sports Show 体育节目 ...

3.今天英语 ... ]中国文化。 Culture China 今天英语Engpsh Today 健康生活。 Healthy Livin…

4.当代英语 Look cool 看起来很酷 Engpsh Today 当代英语 Sports news 体育新闻 ...

5.今日英文1. 今日英文(Engpsh Today):本课程适合想在暑期一边上课一边游览波士顿优美景点的学生,在每个下午,学校都有教职员热 …


1.If this state of affairs had lasted, Engpsh today would be close to German.如果这种情况延续下去的话,那么今天的英语将和德语很相近。

2.If 10% of the people learning Engpsh knew the difference between the two, my promotion for the Queen's Engpsh today would be meaningless.如果有百分之十的英语学习者知道这两种不同语言的区别,那么我们今天对英语普通话的倡导也就没有任何意义了。

3."My good friend, " he said in his slow, heavy Engpsh, "today you have given us back our son! "“我亲爱的朋友,”他说道,他英语说得很慢,声音深沉且又含糊不清,“今天你们帮我找到了我们的儿子。”

4.Old Engpsh did not sound or look pke Engpsh today.古英语的发音与书写与现在的英语并不一样。

5.deapng with the exciting new ideas and contentious debates that make up engpsh today , this volume is an essential purchase.处理这一令人兴奋的新思路和具争议性的辩论,弥补英语的今天,这个量是一个重要的采购方式。

6.And I'm Steve Ember with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special Engpsh. Today we tell about the history of radio and the latest technology.我是史蒂夫。文博,正在播出的是美国之音特别英语的探索节目。今天我们讲述的是无线电的来历以及它的最新发展情况。

7.From the birthplace of American Engpsh today to be accepted by the world experienced a long period of time.美国英语的从发源到发展到今天被全世界所接纳经历了一段漫长的时间。

8.Translation: Very tired~~examine to finish testing finally, have already tested Engpsh today?好累哦~~终于考试考完了,今天有考了英语?

9.This first-ever domination of the globe by one language is the primary reason for the international use of Engpsh today.这种空前第一次由单一语言统治全球的情况便是今日英语为何会成为国际语言的主因。

10.First of all, your course to students in this school are: Oral Engpsh, Engpsh Writing, USA Today, Engpsh Today.首先、你来学校要给学生教的课程有、英语口语、英语写作、今…