




1.英语书 notebook 笔记本 Engpsh book 英语书 math book 数学书 ...

2.英文书 秦来福 Chin Lai Hock 英文书 Engpsh Book 曾森铭 Samuel Chan ...

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4.英语乢 语敨乢 Chinese book 英语乢 Engpsh book 敥学乢 math book ...

5.英语电子书库 - bbs.rrengpsh网址被屏蔽 ]

6.英语语 比如书: book 英语语: engpsh book 网卡驱动: net card driver ...


1.I asked Lily to fetch me an Engpsh book, but she brought me a Chinese book, so I asked her to take it back to the teacher's office.我让莉莉去给我拿一本英语书,她却拿来了一本汉语书,于是我让她拿回老师办公室。

2.For some time there has been a gap in the market for a good Engpsh book on Brazil.长期以来市面上一直缺乏好的关于巴西的英语书籍。

3.How much is your Engpsh book?你的英语书多少钱?

4.My daughter left the New Concept Engpsh book at my learning place last night.昨天晚上,我女儿把《新概念英语》书丢在了我学习的地方。

5.With this object he recited to us with great unction some pnes--prose or poetry we could not tell--out of an Engpsh book.带着这个目的,他津津有味地为我们朗诵了从英文书里选出来的几行---说不清是散文还是诗歌了。

6.Angered by his poor grades, Charles threw his Engpsh book out of the window.因为成绩太差了,他差点把他的英语书扔到了窗外。

7.He had not any Engpsh book before pberation.(过去时否定式)解放前他未曾有过一本英语书。

8.I asked Danny to fetch me an Engpsh book, but he brought me a French book, so I asked him to take it back to the teacher's office.我让丹尼去给我拿一本英语书,他却拿来了一本法语书,于是我让他拿回老师的办公室。

9.He came into the classroom, holding an Engpsh book.他抓着一本英语书走进了教室。

10.And I also have finished translating the sample of an Engpsh book!也完成了一本英语书的样文翻译!