




1.恩尼斯 吕春江 http://ennis.blog.bokee网址被屏蔽/ 东京新娘 http://tokyobride.blog.bokee网址被屏蔽/ ...

5.埃尼斯酒店 恩菲尔德酒店 Enfield 埃尼斯酒店 Ennis 法尔茅斯酒店 Falmouth ...

6.爱尔兰 ... Kolkata, 印度 ennis, 爱尔兰 Mumbai, 印度 ...

7.网球 ... Basketball 篮球 Tennis 网球 Baseball 棒球 ...


1.Ennis guessed she was going to ask him to get her a pack of cigarettes, bring him back sooner.埃尼斯猜测她可能是想让自己带包烟,以便早点回来。

2.He looked away from Jack's jaw, bruised blue from the hard punch Ennis had thrown him on the last day.他的眼神从杰克的下巴移开,那里在最后一天被他一记重拳打得乌青。

3."Ennis, please, no more damn lonesome ranches for us, " she said, sitting on his lap, wrapping her thin, freckled arms around him.“埃尼斯,求你了,我们别再去那些偏僻的农场了,”阿尔玛说道,她坐在埃尼斯的腿上,一双纤细的、长满了雀斑的手环绕着他。

4.Ennis laughed a pttle and said he probably deserved it.艾纳斯笑了笑说你可能真的活该挨一枪。

5."You got a kid? " said Jack. His shaking hand grazed Ennis's hand, electrical current snapped between them.“你有孩子了?”杰克说。他颤抖的手擦过埃尼斯的手,有一股电流在它们之间噼啪作响。

6.Jack said he was doing all right but he missed Ennis bad enough sometimes to make him whip babies.杰克说他其实还好啦就是想艾纳斯,有时候想得慌,莫名其妙打小孩。

7."Brokeback mountain" , while releasing the secular ideas, bound with colorless eyes to see jack and the love between ennis.《断背山》也是一样,当放开束缚思想的世俗戒律,用无色的眼睛去看待杰克和恩尼斯之间的爱情。

8."You goin a do this next summer? " said Jack to Ennis in the street, one leg already up in his green pickup.“你明年夏天还来吗?”在街上,杰克对埃尼斯说,一脚已经跨上了他那辆绿色卡车。

9.Hey, Ennis, you know somebody, name of Jack?艾尼斯你认识一个叫杰克的?

10.From the vibration of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard Jack was shaking.他们脚下的地板在颤动,埃尼斯能够感受到杰克哆嗦得有多么厉害。