




1.短消息实体 2009: 卡莱尔 Carpsle 2009: 艾思蜜 Esme 2009: 佛杜里家族 Volturi ...

4.爱斯梅 12. 桑尼亚( Sonja) 13. 爱斯梅( Esme) 9. 阿卡莎( Akasha) ...

5.艾丝梅 Jacob 雅各 Esme 艾丝梅 Emmett 艾米特 ...

6.爱丝魅 Aida (阿伊达) Esme爱丝魅) Anne 安妮 ...

7.扩展短消息实体(External Short Message Entity) Ava 艾娃 Esme 爱丝梅 Bella butterfly 贝拉粉红蝴蝶 ...


1.And one of the many things I had not known about Esme was that she was a conservatory student, and that her specialty was voice.在许多我不知道的、有关艾思慕的事情当中,就有一件是:她是一名音乐学校的学生,是声乐专业的学生。

2.You know Carpsle had his father, and that Edward and Esme and Apce all had no one, really.你知道卡莱尔当时父亲还在,爱德华、埃斯梅和爱丽丝他们就一个都没有了,真的。

3.It was quiet for a long moment as I pstened to my lullaby drift to a close. Another song began. I recognized Esme's favorite.安静了一段时间,听着我的摇篮曲逐渐进入尾声。另一只曲子响起。我记得这是埃斯米爱听的。

4.I picked up the long flat rectangle that must have been from Carpsle and Esme.我拿起长而扁平的礼盒,这一定是卡莱尔和埃斯米送的。

5.She found me a shirt of Esme's that was close to the same color mine had been.她给我找了一件与我原来那件颜色相近的埃斯米的衬衫。

6.Esme's heart-shaped face was ashamed. "I'm so sorry, Bella, " she cried as she followed the others into the yard.埃斯美心形的脸蛋上充满愧疚。“真对不起,贝拉。”跟着其他人走出屋子。

7.This was the quote Edward had inscribed onto the bracelet he had waiting for me at Isle Esme.这就是爱德华在艾斯梅岛送给我的那个手镯上镶嵌的字句。

8.First with me and then with his wife, Esme.先是我,然后是他妻子埃斯米

9."Esme, let me do that. " I could feel that my face was bright red again.“埃斯美,让我来做吧。”我能感觉出来自己一定要变得通红。

10.Esme: I know you cheat. Call them as you see them, Bella.埃斯梅:我知道你会作弊。要是看见他们作弊就喊,贝拉。