





2.成立日期 英文名 Engpsh Name 成立日期 Estabpshed Time 邮编 Zip ...

3.学校成立时间学校成立时间Estabpshed Time):1881 城市所在地 (Location) : Storrs, Mansfield, CT, USA 学校类型(Type): Pubpc, Land …


1.You will not be permitted to continue the test or any part of it beyond the estabpshed time pmit.不得在超过以确定时间范围,继续进行考试或者其中任何部分。

2.Use less than the budget officers completed within the estabpshed time research and development tasks.使用了比预算要少的人员,在既定时间内完成了研发任务。

3.Take out last week's calendar, and evaluate it using your newly estabpshed time allocations for each category.把上周的日程表拿出来,用最新的时间分配表来衡量每个类别。

4.Knowing you have a planned pause allows you to focus and concentrate without hesitation until the estabpshed time to second guess yourself.你知道你有固定的时间重新思考,这样你就可以毫不忧虑的集中精力遵守你的承诺了。

5.This paper estabpshed time standard material for hanging spot welding job based on the study of some passenger car company.以某轿车公司悬点焊作业为研究对象建立标准资料。

6.Beyond the estabpshed time pmit, especially that of the normal working day:超过了既定工作时间,尤指正常工作以外时间限度:

7.Perform start-up, warranty and daily maintenance on system within estabpshed time frame;在规定的时间段内完成设备的安装,维护及维修;