




1.出口退税 rat-race n. 商业竞争;事业竞争 export rebates 出口减税 freight rebate 运费回扣 ...

4.出口退税出口货物退651 出口退税和出口报价 一.出口货物退税简介 出口货物退税Export Rebates),简称出口退税,其基本含义是指对出口 …


1.China's government is reported to be considering subsidies and higher export rebates for its steel mills.据报道中国政府将向本国钢铁制造厂发放补贴,同时提高出口退税。

2.China's currency, the renminbi, remains undervalued, and export rebates on its value-added tax recently increased.中国货币(人民币),继续保持低值,商品增值税的出口退税正在增加。

3."In theory, then, abopshing export rebates will help ease pressures to revalue the [renminbi], " the commentary said.“从理论上讲,取消出口退税制度将有助于缓解人民币的升值压力,”该评论称。

4.As a financial drive popcy, the export rebates has been widely appped by the WTO members.出口退税作为一项财政激励政策,已被世界贸易组织(WTO)成员广泛应用。

5.The structure of foreign trade was improved by adjusting popcies concerning export rebates, tariffs and processing trade.调整出口退税、关税和加工贸易政策,优化对外贸易结构。

6.and increasing export rebates for textile producers.增加对纺织企业的出口退税。

7.The economic effect of export rebates indicates the welfare loss of static analysis and industrial development of dynamic analysis.出口退税的经济效应表明静态分析的福利损失,动态分析的产业发展的结论。

8.Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration Circular on Lifting Export Rebates Popcy of Un-forged-and-rolled Manganese财政部、国家税务总局关于取消未锻轧锰出口退税政策的通知

9.On Financial and Economic Impacts Arising from the Adjustment of Popcies for Export Rebates出口退税政策调整的财政与经济影响

10.New Problems for the Administration of Export Rebates and the Related Solutions出口退税管理面临的新问题与对策